Re: Battlefield Briefing - Answering Your Reveal Questions
• Specialists - How do you choose them, will there be a server of 120 specialists?
• Factions - How do we notice the difference between them?
• Destruction - How extensive other then levelution?
• Anti-cheat - You got this covered, right?
• Heal and Ammo - havent seen this in any demos, hows it work?
• Camo and Voice - Faction specific or character specific?
• Customization - Faction-based palette/camos/tweaks or same for all?
• Tornadoes - Are they more rare then a regular thing?
• Spotting - How does it work, who and what can spot enemies?
• Communications - Is there a ping/command system of sorts?
• Commander - Is commander a thing anymore?
• Battlelog - Is this coming back?
• Killcam - Is this a thing?
• Spawn-system - Do we spawn on all squad members or only squad leaders?
• Hardcore - is this coming back?
• HUD - How much can we tweak it?
• Community servers - Is it a thing? If so, how is it implemented?
• TTK - To which BF-game is it most similar?
• Team Switch - Is this a thing?
• Team Balance and/or SBMM - Is this a thing?
• Assignments - Do they track everything or do we have to equip X