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F1® 24 PATCH NOTES (V1.4)

EA_Vendcera's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
9 months ago

Hey drivers!

We've got a patch going live an all platforms tomorrow morning, the 12th of June at 10am UTC to address some of the hot issues recently.

We've made the following changes:

  • Fixed an issue in Career modes where the player's Pace rating would be reduced by too much when they didn't get the fastest lap

  • Fixed an issue where all cars could begin the race on the wrong compound for the track conditions

  • Casual Settings Filter will no longer try to set Quick Weather to Clear which could cause issues in some game modes

  • Resolved an issue where the ERS system could sometimes be unexpectedly disabled

Thank you to all the drivers around the world who have made their voices heard, contributing to making F1®️ 24 the best experience for all players. 

The development team will continue to refine the game based on the feedback shared by the community. 

If you would like to track what bugs and issues are being worked on next, please take a look at the Community Raised Issues thread on EA Answers. This will be updated multiple times a week as issues are investigated by the team.

Should you wish to report a bug, you can do so by following these instructions. Once reported, a member of the F1®️ 24 community team will investigate the issue.

Need help? Is something from this patch not working the way it should? Come and tell us in our Discussion Thread.

Published 9 months ago
Version 1.0
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