Auto Crossplay between consoles
As an competitive xbox player why do I have no choice but to load random squad mates from ps4 servers? Firstly I should have a choice in the matter secondly, ps4 players just aren’t half as skilled or competent as the average xbox try hard like myself. This automatic crossplay ruins your chances of even making top 4 when I’m picking up these ps4 players every 40 seconds because they run facefirst into gunfire. Even worse is the fact that I’m also stuck with them in my ranked matches? Due to this I’ve given up on trying to rank up this season. It’s not worth my time and patience and then the text chat spam when you don’t carry them. I’m sick of dealing with these toxic, spammers and shouldn’t have to be forced to especially in ranked. This in itself has completely ruined season 7 and the entire game for me. I doubt I’ll play much of season 8 and just forget ranked modes if this isn’t fixed.