5 years ago
Best game ever!
Team consist of Wraith,Revenant and Crypto Drop at Hydro dam with another team Wraith immediately runs and pings swamps Team follows, Wraith finds gold bodyshield,Revenant finds Purple shield and ...
One game last night: I drop with 2 diamonds, rev and wraith I think. They decide to go full Rambo, one after another, straight into a battle of 2 highly skilled (pred?) teams that was going on in Repulsor. 2 seconds and respectively 5 seconds later they are both deathboxed. Somehow I (as Caustic) manage to sneak out in the open and grab Wraith's banner and run away unobserved, as the sweats feast on Revenant's freshly dropped items. Rev quits (understandable), then I try my luck to respawn Wraith near Crypto's room. Beacon's not landed yet and sweats are already shooting and running towards me. I give them some gas and run away towards Water treatment. halfway through, I hear the map scan from crypto's room and 3 seconds later a sweat lands on my head. Somehow I get to survive 30 seconds being chased around, in and out of a building, trying to slow/ block the sweat with gas cans until another sweat drops right on me and punches me out of the match (I was 25 health, no shield, and this was Flashpoint, so...).
Now, who said running is boring?