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ReddPanda42's avatar
7 years ago

Respawn you have a chance to change the industry give us honest microtransaction

I'm guessing you didn't have much say in the matter, maybe you didn't put much thought into it. But now you have created the next big thing and you have a lot of power right now. Do you want to just be the company that made that one game that put a dent in Fortnite or do you want to be the company that **changed the gaming culture** for the good?

You need to make money, we understand that. I am talking about a *pivot*, drop the boxes and the gambling. Be the **first** AAA game that gave us honest to god bare bones transactions. No obfuscating costs behind multiple currencies. No gambling boxes that have a 1% chance to give you something you want.

These are **poison** to gaming culture and are a get rich quick scheme that does nothing to engender your audience and will leave them ready to drop you the moment something new and shiny appears over the horizon.

**Imagine with me for a second, what if we woke up tomorrow and instead of loot boxes we could pay 25 cents for a common skin, 50 cents for a rare, 1$ for an epic, 3$ for a legendary skin.**

Now lets play a scenario out, little Timmy has his 20 dollar allowance and he wants to spend it on that new hit game all of his friends have been talking about. He loves Wraith but he really wants to play Mirage. So he loads up that 20 dollars into his account and sees he will either have to spend the next 3 months weekends playing to earn that character or spend half his money to buy him.

He goes with the buy choice because all his friends are playing the new characters and he doesn't want to be left out. Now he is left with just enough coins to buy a pack of 10 boxes. So he pulls that lever and out pops a Gibraltar skin, a Pathfinder finisher and a legendary (as if he would get one in 10 boxes) weapon skin for a sniper rifle but timmy hates sniping because it's boring.

By the time his next months allowance rolls around I bet he would be a lot more willing to grab some new stuff he has gotten interested in compared to pulling another lever and hoping he maybe gets lucky and gets something he wants.

This is something that could easily happen and I would bet my life has happened hundreds if not thousands of times already. How do you think Timmy is going to feel about your company now that he has spent all his money and is left holding some junk he has no interest in? How willing do you think he will be to spend next months allowance on your game? Now imagine if he could plunk down 5$ to grab that new champ, and 15$ on some cool skins for his champ and some guns he actually likes using.

By the time his next months allowance rolls around I bet he would be a lot more willing to grab some new stuff he has gotten interested in compared to pulling another lever and hoping he maybe gets lucky and gets something he wants.

The **ball is in your court** Respawn, you could change the gaming world if you only wanted to. I hope you do the right thing and consider it.

5 Replies

  • I love this idea, however the system is in place already i don't see it changing now.

    All us poor saps who are already $100+ in trying to get some decent gear for our preferred characters would be pretty upset lol
  • omgwtfgg503's avatar
    7 years ago

    Why would you be upset if they fixing something thats flawed broken?

    I heard someone use the cornucopia argument about the lootboxes... and i can see the appeal in that, but op is going for the heart of the gamer!

    I spent 20 bux on lootboxes eventho i do not agree with the ethics behind them... and to be honest .... the 20 bux really didnt feel very good... i knew it wouldnt ...

    but thats not why i spent 20 bux on the game....

    I spent 20 bux b/c i agree with the actions of the company so far....

    No faulty/misleading marketing...fronting/promising * for money right now

    No predatory alpha/beta/seasonal passes...

    No chopping up an already finished game, and putting paywalls on the content/dlc they already made....

    No pay to win or pay a lot to win micro-transaction models that give you in game advantages....

    Telling EA to * off in a sense....

    And i would be willing to spend more and support a game that plans on investing time and money to make the game better and newer as time goes on... 

    Not just another Asset flip, where they take half the dev team and go work on the next new shiney micro-transaction filled new release that eventualy culls the originals games playerbase to go onto another game....

    But only time will tell, and actions speak louder than words... so im just watching and waiting now.

    Good Luck Respawn a lot of us are rooting for you!

  • I agree the currency are way overpriced 10 bucks for 1000 coins. Like really?

    But I cba to bother I never invest upon cosmetics.
  • Epic's store in Fortnite does't have loot boxes and gambling, you buy what you want.

    Its worked a treat for them as their micro-transaction business brought in millions/billions now.

    I think the OP is correct, EA said you will have gambling and the compromise that Respawn managed was that they could at least track your luck and improve the odds as you opened box after box and get junk.

    But completely agree, remove loot boxes and let me buy exactly what I want, bring the Fortnite item store to Apex and it will be more of a winner.

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