Forum Discussion
Players who think it's funny when, you're on the edge of a drop (probably sniping) to punch you off of it. In fact teammates who punch you full stop. I hate it when players who are obviously in a two-man squad start having a fist-fight when you're camping.
I had a Wraith and a Pathfinder last night who really where the limit. First the Wraith popped a tunnel inside a tiny hut and the pair just spend ages going round and round it, then the Pathfinder made a zipline that was nearly verticle and they just swung up and down it. Eventually they went 2v2 while I sniped and were downed (the Path did 0 damage, the Wraith 70). The Wraith spammed 'enemy here' once knocked but I really could not be bothered to go in 1v2 for an idiot. One they were both death I went in 1v2 just because I wanted out of the game. Knocked one but the other got me.
I will place a jump pad on you if you stand still.😃
And if someone is DC for a long time, I will definitely do that to pay my respects 😛
And don't forget newbie cryptos standing in the open droning around or take too long in the drone
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