2 years ago
How can I get my Apex coins, it's been 24hrs
I haven't received 20 dalers worth of apex coins I bought earlier today
And I waited 24 hour and still haven't received it
(CM: Edited to remove transaction details to protect information while online and update thread title)
Hi @Zeph56,
Thanks for reaching out. There's a few things to run through:
- Confirm your purchase is processing in your bank account.
- Check your store wallet to confirm if the status says 'completed'
- Quit out of the game completely, then restart it.
- If you’re playing on Steam, try launching your game from the EA app.
- Powercycle your system.
If the coins haven't come through after doing those checks, please:
- Collect your proof of purchase for the missing Apex Coins. Without this, our advisors can’t help you.
- Contact us directly.
- EA_Lanna