Move my steam progress to another EA account
So I have 2 EA accounts, one where I have my Steam account linked and play Apex on (lvl 200+ heirlooms and quite a few skins so not some f2p ACC). I also have one that is connected to my PSN (lvl 250+) where I first started playing Apex, so event skins, heirlooms and other bought skins are also on that account. My EA account which has my Steam connected to it, is connected to my brother's PSN, I can't unlink this as it would remove all his progress where he avidly plays other EA games. I was trying to get my Steam progress moved to the EA account that has MY PSN account connected to it for the Apex cross-progression, because as it is now I would get his Apex progress merged with mine (he doesn't play Apex) but I don't want my years of PSN apex progress to not be accessible through my main account if it can be helped. I have tried to contact EA and no progress; with each email I would just be talking to a different person who wouldn't progress my case. Is there a workaround for this? Because I know you can only link one platform to an account in its lifetime.