Forum Discussion
1 Reply
Vu que le fait de supprimer les dossiers Origin que je vous ai dis ne fonctionne pas.
J'ai continué de lire le post anglais que je vous ai partagé précédemment et le joueur "Noahnmat" a eu le même problème que vous, il a résolu le problème en réinstallant Windows...
Je vous joints son message :
SpoilerI've tried everything on google and I still can't download battlefield 1, cleared the cache 5 times, clean boot, set up static DNS like origin support told me, uninstalled all third party software, deactivated anti-virus, reinstalled origin, restarted PC, updated drivers, run installation in admin mode... still stuck on either "download in queue" or "paused 0%" ☹️ game was working absolutely fine before the "they shall not pass" update, I guess I just can't play it any more if the whole of the internet and origin specialists don't know what the problem is :/
Edit: okay so I can't download any of my origin games so it's not an issue isolated to bf1, so the latest update just permanently broke my origin, great.
"Version 9.0.13
- Fixed an issue that interfered with some users' ability to download games."
this update which was supposed to fix downloading issue is the patch that broke mine, anyone else had their origin break from this update?
Edit 2: I had to reinstall windows fresh to fix this issue.
Sinon les conseils que je lis du community manager c'est :
- Lancez votre PC en mode sans échec > Désinstallez complétement Origin > Télécharger la dernière version d'Origin et installez là en mode administrateur.
- Désinstallez manuellement Origin > Lancez CCleaner sur votre PC > Se mettre en mode sans échec et réinstaller la dernère version d'Origin
- Fixed an issue that interfered with some users' ability to download games."
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