Black screen when launching RA2/YR
Good afternoon all 🙂
I recently bought the Ultimate Collection, mainly for a digital version of RA2 and YR as I loved them as a kid.
Having installed the game, I have tried to play it. However, when I try to run the game I get a blank screen. I can hear the music and sound effects of the intros and menu fx, as well as seeing the cursor on the menu screen. I cannot see anything else however. I have not tried any of the other games as of yet, due to me eagerness to get RA2 installed.
I am running Windows 8.1, and attempted the Youtube video fix mentioned in the "common problems" thread first, as well as other fixes from around the internet, with no success.
In case this impacts upon advice, I'm not after multiplayer fixes, just looking to play the campaign and skirmish mode like the good old days!
Any help will be gratefully received, as I will be most disappointed if I cannot play!
Kind regards
Tom Forsyth
I think I managed to repair the issue, somewhat accidentally!
In the RA2/YR file in Origin Games, I changed the compatability settings of the four files which are often mentioned. Then I changed a lot more as well, "Yuri.exe", "game.exe" etc and generally tinkered with those. The settings I put were XP SP3 and run as admin. I'd read about this and some of the other file changes, but nowhere I had seen recommended changing the Yuri.exe file (RA2MD.exe with the Yuri 'Y' yeah, but not the Yuri.exe file itself).
Its possible that some of the recommended fixes worked in tandem with this, but I'm not so sure. Either way, I now can access RA2 and YR on Windows 8.1, so anyone in a similar position try it out 🙂