Dragon Age & Mass Effect Series
For anyone who is a fan of the Dragon Age and or Mass Effect series. I myself hear a lot of complaints about Bioware now a days some say its going under. I am staying away from internal business stuff in this topic. Though why does the community need to get so toxic? Sure some titles may have not been as good as originally looked or promised. I myself have liked Dragon age Origins Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition very much though I could see some stuff where they could change or do better with. I do think Veilguard is good but to me it seems like it cant hold a candle to the ones that came before. Not to also mention every game has its ups and downs in a sense somethings could always be better. If they create another Dragon Age at some point most likely I will play it but if it came down to that they should take a step back and review the entire series what works what does not. Kinda go back to the roots of the series. Lets take a look at Mass Effect now. Mass Effect 1 and 2 were great. I cant really speak for 3 because I never finished that one. As for Andromeda it has its nice features in the game. some of the I guess you can say puzzels that the some places have are cool. Though going and being able to change your load out so easily or mix and match it between tech combat and biotics is a example of a down side to it. The story in the game off to colonize a new worlds and such is a cool idea you can just say wasn't pulled off that well. Looking forward to hearing and learning more on the next Mass Effect. Lets speak of Anthem. The game it self had plenty of potential. In many ways though it just did not make it.
At the same time I would advise they take more feed back from the community fans of the games when they go into doing some things in there games to. Be it Dragon Age or Mass Effect or even new projects like they had Anthem. Try and see what their fans want in a game or series.