Forum Discussion
90 Replies
@Fred_vdp wrote:ProfileOptions_profile contains your game settings. By deleting it, you reset all your options and the game will create a new file. This may be helpful in case there's an option enabled that somehow blocks you from launching the game (for instance if Mantle is enabled on a PC that doesn't support it). You could back it up if you want to be safe.
Just to act contrarian, could you tell the Nvidia control panel to launch the game on the Intel GPU instead? That way we could rule out the graphics card.Just tried removing ProfileOptions_profile and then launching the game both using Nvidia and Intel, no dice either way. I also tried both GPUs before removing ProfileOptions, also no difference.
I also tried launching some other Origin games (Sims 4 and DA2) which both opened fine. I'm not keen to reinstall the game, but it's looking like it may come to that? I don't recall changing anything belonging to the game files (except moving some saves around) since I was last able to launch it.
I have a help topic for this issue on the DA reddit (thought I'd try my luck there as well) and someone suggested "Delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch folder and the DragonAgeInquisition.exe, then repair the game in Origin." I'm wary of just deleting game files willy nilly though in case I make things worse.
- Anonymous9 years ago
That's the patch folder where all patches, and any mods are kept. Deleting the CONTENTS of that folder then repairing the game forces it to repatch itself and can correct corrupted files.
@DarkAmaranth1966 wrote:That's the patch folder where all patches, and any mods are kept. Deleting the CONTENTS of that folder then repairing the game forces it to repatch itself and can correct corrupted files.
Okay, so I shouldn't delete the folder itself but just the contents? How about deleting the DragonAgeInquisition.exe itself as mentioned, is that okay too? Sorry for the extensive questions and all. Just wary about deleting stuff that can't be replaced.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Has this worked out for anyone? I'll try anything for a fix to this.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I've deleted the patch folder contents several times, then repaired the game but, I test mods so, have to do that when I get a bad one in there. It won't hurt the game but if anything in that folder is corrupted or damaged, it will put it back to the original files of the current patch. I've never deleted the exe file, just the command line arguments I have tested here and there, should not need to delete that file. If the game files have become so damaged or corrupted that you need to delete that, you need to uninstall, run both hardware (especially the hard disk) checks and repairs and, a full system virus scan, then redownload and install the game.
- Leora859 years agoHero+
@raynkure So, can we add you to the list of people having the problem described in this thread? Just helps to know if you're having the same problem, or if yours differs in some way.
So far everyone who's posted a dxdiag or mentioned GPU has a NVidia GPU, wondering if perhaps there's a recent driver which doesn't get along with this game or something.
- Fred_vdp9 years agoHero+
@Leora85 wrote:
@raynkure So, can we add you to the list of people having the problem described in this thread? Just helps to know if you're having the same problem, or if yours differs in some way.
So far everyone who's posted a dxdiag or mentioned GPU has a NVidia GPU, wondering if perhaps there's a recent driver which doesn't get along with this game or something.
It wouldn't be a first for Nvidia. They once released a driver that broke compatibility with Dragon Age 2 and they still haven't fixed that.
- Leora859 years agoHero+
@raynkure Another question, are you using AVG at all? Some people with this issue have found that temporarily disabling or uninstalling AVG has solved this issue, so it's something to try if you're using AVG. 🙂
@Leora85 wrote:
@raynkure Another question, are you using AVG at all? Some people with this issue have found that temporarily disabling or uninstalling AVG has solved this issue, so it's something to try if you're using AVG. 🙂
I had the same issue, and as it turned out it was my AVG acting up and blocking it for whatever reason. However, instead of uninstalling or disabling AVG, what I did to fix it was add the game to the "exceptions" list. Click the Options dropdown menu in the upper right corner of AVG, then select "advanced options". Click on "Exceptions" in the advanced options menu, then click "add an exception". Find the Dragon Age: Inquisition executable in your files (it should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition) and select it to add it to your AVG exceptions, and voila! My game started up with no problems after that.
[admin edit]
This issue still seems to be occurring for new Origin updates in November '16.
- Leora859 years agoHero+
@MightBeMagical Just to clarify, was that in the past few days? This AVG issue is very recent, and I'm sure many people would be happy if they could just add an exception instead of disabling/uninstalling AVG (I would have thought there'd already be an exception to allow the game to access the internet... maybe that's why this issue hasn't affected me).
@Leora85 wrote:@MightBeMagical Just to clarify, was that in the past few days? This AVG issue is very recent, and I'm sure many people would be happy if they could just add an exception instead of disabling/uninstalling AVG (I would have thought there'd already be an exception to allow the game to access the internet... maybe that's why this issue hasn't affected me).
Yes, this was just last night, actually. I've been playing Inquisition since it first came out, and when it refused to launch I knew something must be wrong because I've got nearly 800 hours of gameplay logged! Thought it might have been my mods, but when I saw this thread and read that AVG might be to blame, I decided to give that a go.
I do believe AVG just had an update in the past few days, maybe that's the issue? Anyway, if anyone having this problem has AVG, try adding DA:I to the exceptions list. Definitely the easiest way to find out if AVG is the problem!
- Leora859 years agoHero+
@MightBeMagical Thanks for the clarification 🙂 Much better way to deal with the problem!
- EA_David9 years ago
Community Admin
Thanks to everyone on this thread for their contribution. On Niah_Dark's request we're going to make this a sticky to increase visibility, as a number of folks appear to be affected by the AVG issue.
After hours of tinkering, stressing, throwing things out of windows and razing small villages to the ground I can play DA:I again because of your suggestion about AVG! I never even thought to try running it without AVG, it's been a decade since I last had an anti virus programme conflict with a current game! TY dude!
- Anonymous9 years ago
disable AVG game works now ty avg hates a lot of games I just forgot. ty for the reminder.
@Leora85 wrote:@raynkure Another question, are you using AVG at all? Some people with this issue have found that temporarily disabling or uninstalling AVG has solved this issue, so it's something to try if you're using AVG. 🙂
So sorry, it's finals week, so I couldn't get back to checking this thread until now. But you're absolutely right, I do have AVG, and after adding DAI to the exceptions as suggested the game runs just like it always has. Thank you so much for pinpointing the issue, I didn't even imagine something like this would happen but all it took was a quick couple of clicks to fix the issue with no reinstalling or deleting any files whatsoever. Thank you so much.
- Anonymous9 years ago
AVG for me too. Just added it to the exceptions and it worked like a charm. Thanks for the help, guys 🙂
- Anonymous9 years ago
That worked! It was AVG causing problems! When I put Dragon Age Inquisitions under exceptions it immediately began to work! I'm so happy, I was beginning to think I would never get it working!
Thanks so much!
- Anonymous9 years ago
That worked! It was AVG causing problems! Thanks for your help!!!
I did try run Origins and DA:I as Admin, as well as add the two to exceptions in AVG. Didn't work.
Same when I disabled AVG completely.
I played fins back in January, but now it just loads, gives a few seconds of the black screen, then it's back to desktop.
I checked, it isn't running in the background either. ☹️
- Anonymous9 years ago
This was my solution <3 thank you so much
Maker's breath!
I love you. After week without Dragon Age...
May Andraste bless you for this 🙂Hi again!
I solved my issue by updating DA:I through Origins, even if it doesn't need to be updated. Then I ran the game as Admin through the desktop, and it works fine. 🙂 Just gotta remember to do the lil update every time before. 🙂
- EA_David9 years ago
Community Admin
@ZetsuAiPlays Thanks for coming back with your fix. Sorry if I misunderstand, but are you saying you need to update the game every time you need to play? This shouldn't be happening and it's something we'll want to try to get past.
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