Forum Discussion
21 Replies
- EvilEsthar21 days agoNew Novice
I don't want to create a new topic on the subject, so I'll just leave a message on existing threads to show my support, hoping the developers take this into consideration. We are asking you to remove the limit of creating 3 characters on consoles. There are too many possibilities to explore, you need to give us the possibility to create different paths and stories. We can't let go our old characters for a new one, but we want to play more. There was never such a limit with the previous DA games. We had 100 save slots and we could manage them as we wanted. We want the same freedom with The Veilguard too. Please.
- RoninMBK2 months agoRising Newcomer
I’m done playing this game until it’s fixed and until the replay value is on par with the rest of the series. Please don’t ruin ME5 with this absurdity.
- WarriorDrgnMage2 months agoNew Novice
Did you try fixing the broken save in the Lighthouse infirmary?
- Terminus23173 months agoNewcomer
I'm on PS5 and I see no reason to limit the characters number to 3, with 300 save slots allocated. Like BG3 it would be possible to let the player use 300 save slots at max (BG3 on PS5 has 50 or less), with any number of character. I fear some kind of EA choice here (hope to be wrong). Maybe we get an option or DLC increasing this limit ... for a price.
- xNek0_Senpai3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
consoles permanently delete saves to play more vs PC move saves to another folder and keep saves them anytime and keep making character unlimited so dumb
- xNek0_Senpai3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
it's worst thing they added to the game the excuse memory load issue's yet you can have 100 saves per character total 300 saves plus auto saves that can effect memory more then having multiple characters
- Kacilier3 months agoSeasoned Novice
THIS. I wouldn't have bought it on console if this had been indicated at all, but we shouldn't have to buy the game on PC to be able to experience all factions, lineages and romances. And what if you want to play the same class more than once? I have two mages and one rogue, and now I can't play warrior. I'd planned multiple playthroughs but I'm unable to start another because it won't let me. Restricting our ability to play the game again if we don't want to delete our characters in order to make more is absurd.
This is a roleplaying game. I'm always going to want to make more characters, and being locked out of doing this basic staple of the game is ridiculous. Raising the character limit doesn't solve the problem, the cap needs to be removed entirely. Let US decide how much console space we want to take up with our characters and saves. Warn us it'll take more space or have a manual increase limit toggle if necessary, but stop punishing us for buying on console.
- puqcehtq7cpg3 months agoNew Novice
Ya, i am in same boat
- Shizuu-chann3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I just discovered this! It makes no sense and why is it only for consoles?? Do you think they'll actually change it? Or is there a workaround for it? Bc I haven't discovered any, if so. Not allowing AT LEAST 6 characters is insane...
- NinjaG0BLIN3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
They really need to remove this 3 character limit on console, or at least increase it to 6, so we can play as all of the factions without having to delete any old playthroughs, which I refuse to do.