Game is already running error (EA app, PC)
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) ff45ae9c-ad10-46a3-b97e-549c717991e4
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Launch Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 14.09.2024 09:00
Summarize your bug Everytime I launch a game (EA FC 24 , LIMBO, and any other game I download) it tells me that the game is already running, I've deleted and reinstalled both the game and the ea app, I've cleared cache, I've restarted my pc and the app several times, I tried loggin out and loggin back in. Nothing works
it used to be error "an update is required, please visit game hub to download" and when disappeared I got now this new error "game is already running", can't be fixed without setting date to 24.08.2024 (last time the game was working normally)
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look at the images I sent
What happens when the bug occurs? A message box saying game is already running
What do you expect to see? a fix. I want to play the game without the need to amend date, I need to be able to enjoy FC25
Solved for me by deleting all the old Origin files from the desk
try it if you have the same issue,
1- uninstall.2- manual delete all app data of EA app and Origin
3- reinstall
the games should repair and you're good to go