Unable to connect to servers x 2weeks/ea says no clear connection/account issue
Hey everyone
2nd time making a post on this issue
I've been unable to connect to fc 24 servers with no apparent explanation on PS5.
Nothing point towards a connection-related issue:
Able to connect on Madden UT from the same ea account
Able to connect to fc 24 servers from another made up ea/psn accounts
I've tried the following troubleshooting
-LAN, Mobile hotspot, manual DNS, turning my router on/off (my ISP has a score of 97 in Canada)
-ran my PS5 in safe mode to delete cache, restore default settings
-deleted personal saved data, uninstalled/reinstalled the game
-multiple changes to my account made by ea advisors - according to them my account seems normal, hence the reports sent to the game team
-discussed w/ PS support and they did not report any issue on their side
-ISP does not identify any particular issue on their end as well
I also have no ban history and I'm able to have access to the Web App/Companion from my account.
Seemingly I won't be able to have access to my UT account content anytime soon as I have no follow-up on how the "reports" are being processed by the game team
If anyone has any experience with this issue, your help would be greatly appreciated!
All the best
Hi there, @jasglockk
It looks like this might be account related. Please open a case here with an advisor so they can assist with this. Thank you.