Evo compensation!?
I done a low rated off league player evo, done 4 evos cost me around 200k in coins and 2 full days of playing to complete. The final evo to fit him into to make him team worthy was bugged so I ended up with a 82 off league unusable evo. I seen people got compensation for the bug but I got nothing because my stats were correct only my promise path of evolution was broken how is that fair? Will I get anything back or is it just another one of ea mess up that I get shafted for been a lot of them these days I have personal been wrong end of. I spend 2-5k£ every year in this game on different accounts each year (I think I helps my pack luck lol) and all I get to show for it is ripped off at every corner this company should be ashamed of them self. A silver a 2 evo back to make a new card with 200k coins lost and meta moved won't cut it either