New Need For Speed, old Ideas
Hi there,
I'm a big fan of this franchise, but doesn't matter how many games from this franchise I've played for some reason I'm always going back to Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005.
Not sure why, maybe I grown-up playing that game. Brilliant game, storyline flawless, unlimited adrenaline, amazing tuning, classic cars, police chases like in the movies with loads of police vehicles, even the helicopters would try to stop you. Or police using big trucks for road block, explosions, cars rolling over in High speed chases.
I wonder what shopping EA Games to bring that game back, or bring some bits back with today upgraded technology, and a bit of Burnout Paradise when it come to crashes like:
• Traffic - bring the big trucks back
• Police Cases - more intense chases with more vehicles involved
• Going through structures to stop police - demolish structures by driving through them: scaffolding, front of shops, cellphone towers, water towers, petrol stations with a bit of explosions
• Going trough objects - In newer games your vehicle stops most of the time when you hit a curb, or parked car, or a wooden fence, when before these kind of obstacles either moved or be destroyed. We use to go trough a glass building, Bus station if i remember right.
• Helicopter chase - in the old NFS the helicopters would actually try to stop you by landing in front of you and sometimes accidentally would hit big truck creating spectacular accidents and this almost 20 years ago. With today technology you would have some brilliant scene's.
• Explosions - were part of accidents or hitting petrol pumps in police chases, or the pups were just heat by the chasing cars.
• Crashes - crashing vehicles were actually visible with some explosions being visible in some cases. And if you spice these up with a bit of Burnout Paradise details when it comes to these events, because EA put a lot in car crashes details in that game.
Kind regards,