[Feedback] Support Feedback On The PvZ Series Going Forward
- 8 months ago
Hello Everyone!
So, thanks to @Screion's link to the Steam stats page, it got me thinking about support and updates.
We all know that there isn't a team any longer to support the game, but here we are! Still playing. We are still having fun!
I am tossing together some info to send up the chain, and I need your help!
I need you to post as much data as you can on traffic. Hitting almost 10K on one platform is a perfect start. It may not be as large as College Football, but the fans still love the series.
What I need from you is pretty simple, if you can. I need screenshots of as much info as you can send me so that I can send that up and get some more eyes on the series. I cannot promise any type of update to the game, servers, content, etc., but we do need to get things rolling on how we, and I mean peeps like me, can support you, the players, as best as we can.
Maximum Effort Mode!