Would be nice to finally get some information on the issues with Rose instead of getting copy/paste "Soon" *. Even a tiny shred of info would be nice because im seriously hating the game right now as it is. Playing MP is what i bought it for and it is unplayable as a zombie. In the frozen map and the theme park you are being decimated before you actually loaded into the game, so much fun to have 9 freak'n roses against you with tracking. How is it fair that a character can totally shred you without even having to aim properly like everyone else? Not to even mention the fire rose with a 70 damage charged shot WITH TRACKING. Please remove the tracking, it is way to strong and absolutely not needed, making it way to easy character to play compared to the other classes. Or you give everyone slight tracking or no one.... Who approved of this to be good for release?Also being put on the zombie side for 5 games in a row because you think its a good idea people can switch sides whenever the hell they feel like is ridiculous. It is unfair and should be changed ASAP!!!! Atleast give players some info on what the plans are to adress the issues ....... With origin early acces and the launch week you had plenty of time already to atleast do a emergency fix for Rose, so people could have played normally in the weekend and enjoy all features of the game.
Also 6 hours later still no info after said "shortly"