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Star Wars Battlefront II - Release Notes - Han Solo Season Update 2
- Han Solo - Corellia Escape (Legendary)
- Han Solo - Beckett’s Crew (Legendary)
- Lando - Professional "Sportsman" (Legendary)
- Lando - Raconteur (Legendary)
- Chewbacca - Vandor Heist (Epic)
- Added Kessel as a new location
- Added new Extraction game mode playable on Kessel and Jabba's Palace
- Added Kessel to Blast, HvV, Hero Showdown, and Arcade
- Added Lando's Millennium Falcon as a playable Vehicle
- Removed the holograms from the deploy and MVP screens
- Implemented a Character Inspector in the Collection screens
- Timed Challenges are now displayed and accessible from the Home screen
Emperor Palpatine
- Fixed an issue where the CHAIN LIGHTNING Ability was not doing damage
Captain Phasma
- The FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID now only lasts for 5 seconds after Captain Phasma has been defeated
Lando Calrissian
- Fixed an issue where the DISABLER failed to stun enemies
- Fixed an issue where the DISABLER would sometimes affect friendlies
- Fixed an issue where Rey could DASH through a lightsaber block
- Fixed an issue where an equipped Trooper Appearance was not applied when deploying into Vehicles
- Updated the lock-on logic to now warn a player whenever an item is locking-on to them, not just when the weapon has already locked-on
- Combat Roll is blocked for a brief period when activating TOUGHEN UP so as to prevent discrepancies between animation, audio, and the Ability's activation
- Fixed an issue where the Marksman Star Card incorrectly reset the Sentry Ability duration on headshot kills; Marksman is only intended to affect heat-based weapons
- Gave the Ion Torpedo 3 shots per magazine instead of 1 to make it more reliable against air targets
- Increased Ion Torpedo damage to make it more reliable against vehicles overall
- Slightly reduced damage of the SE-44C and Blurrg-1120 with the intention to make these less viable in a situation where an Assault Rifle should be better suited
- Slightly reduced the flash duration of the FLASH GRENADE
- Fixed an issue where the IMPROVED FLASH GRENADE inadvertently caused a longer flash duration than the default version
Health Changes
We've increased the Specialist's health to be in line with the Officer and Assault classes. The intent with this change is to bring the Specialist's kill/death ratio up in line with the other Trooper Classes and to give Specialists the chance to improve their average score-per-minute as both values were the lowest of all the classes.
- Base health increased from 100 to 150
- Health regeneration per second decreased from 60 to 30
Sprint Recovery
When looking at the Specialist, one thing to note is that the intended gameplay is not for players to sprint and fire. As such we've slightly increased the sprint recovery penalty with all Specialist primary weapons. This now means that a Specialist will be somewhat slower to fire the first shot with their primary weapon when coming out of sprint. This should also give other classes (except Heavy) a slight advantage when sprinting around a corner and suddenly meeting an enemy Specialist. For reference, the sprint recovery speeds are stack-ranked per weapon type as follows:
- Pistols (Officer)
- Rifles (Assault)
- Longblasters (Specialist)
- Heavy blasters (Heavy)
- Reduced deploy time on rocket launchers from 1 to 0.8 seconds to make the timing, from activation to firing, snappier
- Increased the time the player has control over the jump pack, giving them better air control while in the air
- Fixed an issue on PC where after shooting the MTT with the ION Disruptor, a "Playing the Objective" scoring event was shown after each respawn
- Improved player rewards for completing objectives on the map
- Fixed an issue where the Last Stand effect was not working on Jabba's Palace if one enemy was killed before dying
- Fixed an issue with the Starfighter Arcade end-of-round screen where after a round of Starfighter Arcade had been completed the "Challenge Summary" screen was blank
- Fixed an issue on Co-op Battle Scenarios where the enemy AI didn't engage the player at first sight
- Fixed an issue in Starfighter Arcade - Onslaught where if one of the players was in the deploy screen after being defeated, time and kills were not tracked for either player
- Fixed an issue in the Tutorial Mission where the AI would randomly die without any reason
- Fixed an issue in split-screen where one of the players would not be able to deploy with any Character if both players tried to deploy with the same Hero at the start
- Fixed an issue on Takodana where Boba Fett could reach an invisible collision platform behind the castle where no other Hero could get to
- Fixed an issue where players were sometimes respawned near enemies
- Revised the HUD to show the timer permanently and changed the countdown timer circle to count each second when there is 30 seconds left
- Now if time ends and both teams have the same score, it's a draw
- Revised the HUD to show the timer permanently and changed the countdown timer circle to count each second when there is 30 seconds left
- Now if time ends and both teams have the same score, it's a draw
- Added a kill log
- Polished the Ewok jump attack
- Updated audio near the end of a match to build up when the shuttle comes
- Reduced the starting Score bonus for the first Ewok
- Created a different crosshair color when under the effects of VALIANT HORN
- Revised crate pickup locations so that there are less weapons in the cave
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a Stormtrooper would change to an Ewok after dying by his own grenade
- Decreased the hut interaction area, so that Ewoks don't activate the hut entrance by accident
- Added in-world markers to the treetop exits for Ewoks to provide a better understanding of which door to take
- Improved the combat area for both Hero Showdown and Heroes vs. Villains on Endor
- Improved the spawn area for Imperials on Hoth during Strike
- Fixed an issue where jumping up on and behind some pipes would get the player stuck on Jabba's Palace
- Fixed an issue where Yoda could get stuck between the Rancor body and the cave wall on Jabba's Palace
- Added the missing Gamorrean Guards in Jabba's Palace
- Added Animation to the XP bar when ranking up
- Implement additional matchmaking information in the end-of-round
- Fixed an issue on consoles where players could encounter an infinite black loading screen if quitting the server when the planet was shown during the end-of-round
- Fixed an issue on PC where Chewbacca couldn't use any Emote in Arcade if the Wookie Smuggler appearance was equipped
- Adjusted the Credit pay out for time spent in match by reducing the Time bonus by 20% in order to give more weight to actions during a match
Star Wars Battlefront II - Release Notes - Hero Starfighters Update
- Added new Hero Starfighters mode
- Added the Sullustan appearance to the Resistance and Rebel version of the Assault class
- Added the ability for players to swap their appearances pre-round
- Added stamina count to lightsaber blocking and holding block, as well as a delay before the stamina starts regenerating. Stamina cost values are now significantly different for all lightsaber users
- Added the ability for players to turn lightsabers on and off during gameplay (PS4: Triangle button, X1: Y button, PC: 2 key)
- Re-designed daily quest system to now give 3 quests per day instead of 1, so the daily quests reward per quest has been reduced from 1000 to 500
- On Strike, Objective Delivery Zones are now visually represented in the world
- Added Yavin map on Jetpack Cargo
- On Hero Showdown, added elements to the HUD that show the health of team members
- Fixed an issue on PS4 where Light Side Heroes could lose the functionality of their basic attack if they were caught in a Vader and Palpatine ability chain
- Fixed an issue where cancelling a saber combo would enable saber users to perform an additional hit on the enemy from any range
Boba Fett
- Fixed an issue on PC where the player got concussed by the grenade when the grenade was deployed within less than 20 meters
- Fixed an issue where Bossk's dioxis could damage players inside the AT-AT
- Fixed an issue where Chewbacca's Charge Slam could last indefinitely if the player rolled and fired at the same time while the ability was active
Darth Vader
- Fixed an issue where Darth Vader's Intensified Lightsaber Throw displayed wrong information about the bonus damage granted
Emperor Palpatine
- Fixed and issue where Emperor's main lightning ability took too long to recharge
- Fixed issue with Emperor Palpatine's chain lightning not working on close targets
- Fixed an issue where the lip-sync for the "Interrupting" Lando emote was off on his new appearances
- Fixed and issues where Rey's Dash Strike ability was dealing multiple damage
Young Han Solo
- Fixed an issue where the audio lines for Young Han Solo’s abilities Shoulder Charge and Sharpshooter were mixed up
Boba Fett's Slave I
- Tweaked regen value from 700>900
- Increased speed: Max Speed (100→ 110)
Darth Maul's Scimitar
- Lowered regen rate to 600 from 700
- Made regeneration cooldown stop while being in cloak mode = You can't regen while cloaking and it will resume the count down to regen when you get out of it again.
- Increased cooldown time for cloak to 20 from 15.
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (4500→5000)
Darth Vader's TIE Advanced
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (2000→2800)
Han Solo's Millennium Falcon
- Reduced total health (hull + shield) from 20k → 14k
- Tweaked regen values from 1200>1100
Iden's TIE Fighter
- Fixed an issue where crafting Iden's TIE "ENGINE HEAT DISSIPATOR " star card subtracted 2 skill points from the player's inventory blocking one star card from reaching epic rarity in the process
- Fixed an issue where the "Elite Pilot" star card for Iden Versio's TIE/LN flipped at class level 5 instead of class level 20
- Increased total health: (2000→ 2800)
Kylo Ren´s TIE Silencer
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (4500→5000)
- Tweaked regen value from 900>700
Lando's Millenium Falcon
- Fixed an issue where Lando's Falcon ability Enhanced Sensors played globally
- Fixed an issue where using "Coaxium Injection" ability would display a placeholder text under the ability UI
- Fixed an issue with the scoring event where Black Leader was displayed when the player gained score with the L3-37 Co-Pilot skill
- Fixed an issue on PS4 with the killcam not being displayed after having been killed by Lando's Millennium Falcon
- Increased Lando´s Millennium Falcon Speed: Max Speed (110→ 115)
- Reduced total health (hull + shield) from 17k → 12.5k
- Tweaked regen value from 1200>1000
Luke Skywalker´s Red 5
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (2700 → 3500)
Poe Dameron´s Black One
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (2700→ 3500)
Rey´s Millennium Falcon
- Reduced total health (hull + shield) from 20k → 14k
- Tweaked regen value from 1200>1100
Tallie Lintra´s A-Wing
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (1800→ 2600)
Yoda's Starfighter
- Increased total health (hull + shield): (1600→ 2400)
- Ion Stun skill nerfed. Decreased base duration from 6 to 3 seconds.
- Slightly increased regeneration rate 300 > 350.
- In Hero Starfighters game mode, reduced the efficiency of the Ion Cannon abilities stun effect
- Increased Combat Area size for all Starfighter Arcade maps and minor adjustment to vehicle spawn positions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the HUD and starfighter to visually jitter during Starfighter Arcade modes
- Crait map is back in Blast rotation after fixing issue with MVP screen.
- Reduced the player size from 20 to 16, in preparation for a future implementation of a 4-player based squad system
- Fixed and issue where the "DEFEAT" prompt would be triggered when reaching the shuttle while the overtime was less than 10 seconds away from ending the match
- Crait map is back in GA rotation after fixing issue with MVP screen.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to enter in one of the troop transports blocking the attackers to complete the objective on Jakku
- Fixed an issue on PC where after a match had started one team will lose 2 rounds instantly without any gameplay involved
- Fixed an issue on PS4 where players were spawned with the wrong character during the round (not 1st spawn)
- Fixed an issue on X1 that caused the title to remain in a hang state after the player was eliminated in the "Roger Roger" battle scenario and immediately re-spawned as the scenario reached 0 tickets and the EOR triggered
- Changed Starfighter Assault Hero ship limits so one of the 3 ships doesn't have to be the Millennium Falcon & increased Villain ship limits to 3 from 2
- Fixed an issue on Ryloth where in Phase 3, there was no out of bounds on the map
- Fixed a lighting issue on the MVP screen
- Fixed a wall collision on Jabba's Palace which lead to exploits during Heroes vs Villains matches
- Fixed minor visual prop placement issue in one of the prison chambers
- Reduced AT-ST limit to 1
- Fixed an exploit where team 1 heroes could get into the landing transport vehicles in the final phase and hide inside them, being invulnerable from enemies, but still interacting with the objective
- Fixed an issue where the player could fly out of the hole in the ceiling on Kessel Arcade
- Fixed an issue where players were able to get on top of the Takodana map with Boba Fett
- Boba Fett maximum height issue fixed for Hero Showdown game mode.
- Added a countdown timer on the tiles for the limited game modes
- Added progress bars on weapons and weapon mods in the front end
- Challenge tiles on the Home screen now indicate what the player has to do to complete a challenge
- Fixed an issue on PC where players were experiencing low FPS in Front End with a two monitor setup (2K/4k and 1080p setup)
- Fixed an issue where leveling a unit with less than 100 experience threshold for its next rank, did not update the UI in the spawn screen until the player deployed with the unit again
- Corrected the Aurebesh quotes for the Professional "Sportsman" appearance
- Fixed an issue on X1 and PS4 in the Character Customization screen during the campaign where the inspect button had the same binding as the unequip button which made it impossible to unequip star cards from frontend
- Fixed an issue where continuous music would overlap with other standard level music
- Fixed an issue on PC - EOR Matchmaking - Blast & Heroes vs Villains - The user remains stuck in EOR screen when only one of the players clicks the Matchmake button while in a party
- Fixed a text issue in the Japanese version where the text "DAILY CRATE" appearing on home screen upon first login in a day got cut off
- In Strike, the Objective Delivery Zones are not visually represented on the Death Star II map
- On the EOR screen, the sum of credits received doesn’t include the credit bonus awarded to players for being on the winning team, but players do receive it
- 7 years ago
Star Wars Battlefront II - Release Notes – Elite Corps Update
FEATURES- First group of Clone Trooper appearances is being released (41st Elite Corps and 327th Star Corps)
- Characters on the Home and Career screens are updated to show the newly available Clone Trooper appearances (41st Elite Corps and 327th Star Corps respectively)
- Implemented Clone Wars tile in the Home screen to increase the possibility for matchmaking on Galactic Assault for Clone Wars – era maps.
- Emotes and Victory Poses for Troopers and Heroes are now available to purchase for Crystals or Credits
- Players can now preview Emotes on unlocked appearances
- Milestones that reward already-unlocked Emotes / Poses will be providing credits instead
- Palace Hangar on Naboo is now available as an additional map on Blast and Custom Arcade
- Mos Eisley has been added to the map rotation of Hero Showdown
- Ewok Hunt mode made permanent under the Operations menu
- The End of Round screen now features more details on the player's scoreboard placement (Overall Scoreboard placement, Objective Score placement, Combat Score placement across teams, as well as acknowledging players who are part of the winning team)
Wookiee Warrior- Fixed an issue where the player was able to use the combat roll while the Overload ability was active
Boba Fett
- Improved the weapon sway for Boba Fett's EE-3
- Fixed an issue where Chewbacca's Ground Slam ability could defeat an enemy inside the AT-ST or AAT
Darth Maul
- Fixed several issues with the Saber Throw ability:
- If used in Arcade with no cooldown, the ability doesn't work until the regular cooldown is over
- Implemented new collision detection mechanics, so that Saber Throw will more reliably hit targets.
- Fixed an issue where Maul’s saber would deactivate when colliding with level geometry, causing it to not hit targets at the end of the throw or on the return.
Darth Vader
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally remain stuck in the choke animation
Emperor Palpatine
- Fixed an issue where Emperor Palpatine's basic attacks were not increasing the Hold Block stamina costs of lightsaber heroes
- Fixed an issue where the area of effect from Emperor Palpatine's Electrocute ability would sometimes persist on the ground
Kylo Ren
- Fixed a visual issue that would occasionally occur on characters frozen by Kylo Ren's ability
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally re-trigger Rey's Insight ability without waiting for a cooldown
- Fixed an issue where Ion Torpedoes were too strong against vehicles
- Fixed an issue where the LAAT's laser could pass through the MTT and damage the opponent
Lando's Millennium Falcon
- Fixed an issue with the tracking of the "L3-37 Flying" milestone
- Fixed an issue where players in the LIUV did not receive trooper damage
Poe Dameron´s Black One
- Fixed an issue with the hint text that would occasionally show when activating the Black Leader ability
- Fixed an issue where the countdown timer would be stuck on 0 when attempting to deploy on the Starfighter Arcade - Team Battle mode
- Fixed an issue where the Spawn Wave would not be present when attempting to deploy on the Starfighter Arcade - Team Battle mode
- Fixed an issue on Kessel which allowed players to avoid the AI by hiding into one of the elevators
- Fixed an issue where players would automatically spawn on the map, if they wait for the countdown timer to end on the defeat screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Officer's Flash grenade would not blind the enemy team on Jabba's Palace in Extraction
- Improved balancing on the last phase of Extraction in Jabba's Palace, by adjusting spawn positions and slightly increasing overtime for players on the Rebel side
- Fixed a visual issue that would reveal the spawning of troopers right before the outro cinematic in Jabba's Palace
- Fixed a visual issue with the framing of the characters during the intros in Hero Showdown
- Fixed an issue where the Hero HUD icons would disappear too soon when the round ends
- Fixed a visual issue with the deploy screen briefly appearing at the start of the round
- Fixed an issue with the End of Round message occasionally not showing up for players who are outside the bounds of the map
- Fixed a visual issue on PC, where the Starfighter health bars would not be visible if the game was minimized when the round starts
- Fixed an issue where a certain pre-round text would appear cut off in Japanese
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle would occasionally freeze and stutter for a short while after spawning on the map
- Fixed an issue where the delivery area on Death Star II was missing the proper UI indicator
- Fixed an issue where users could potentially deliver the package while standing slightly outside the indicated delivery area on several maps
- Fixed an issue where attacking players would get the "Fall Back" message if they were in an Out of Bounds area when the package is being retrieved
- Fixed issues where players could occasionally get stuck in the geometry of several assets, visible on Jakku, Tatooine, Naboo, Kashyyyk, Kessel and Crait
- Fixed various collision issues with certain assets on Endor, Hoth, Starkiller Base, Death Star II, Kamino, Bespin and Jakku
- Fixed an issue where players could potentially jump up on one of the buildings on Bespin when playing as a Force-using hero or Boba Fett
- Fixed an issue where players could reach an area behind the armor racks when playing as Yoda
- Fixed an issue where players could glitch outside the map when playing as a Force-using hero
- Fixed an issue where players could potentially enter the Hoth interior with the AT-ST
- Fixed an issue where players could potentially survive the fall to death by staying close to the crevasse wall
- Fixed an issue where players could potentially jump towards ceiling holes in the tunnels of Hoth and stand on invisible collision
- Fixed an issue where players playing as Boba Fett, could reach and stand on one of the ledges not easily accessible to other players
- Fixed a collision issue that allowed the AI to walk through walls
- Fixed an issue where the Sneeps would be found floating near the Star Destroyer's entrance
- Fixed a collision issue that enabled Boba Fett to enter the dome building from a position where nobody could reach or shoot him
- Fixed an issue where players could exploit Boba Fett's jetpack on Kashyyyk to reach places other players cannot reach
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to fall through the map in an Out of Bounds area
- Fixed an issue where certain heroes would occasionally be pushed through the sloped terrain and outside the map geometry in the outdoors area
- Fixed an issue where a stack of boxes in the map could cause a glitch with the player's character model that could be used as an exploit
- Fixed several collision issues that would occasionally allow players to hide inside the temple mesh or walk through walls
- Improved functionality of loading screens. Map descriptions and texts are now visible in-between matches.
- Fixed an issue with the terminology used in the Galactic Republic faction descriptions
- Fixed an issue with the tutorial text regarding the use of Leia Organa's secondary fire in Arcade
- Fixed several issues with relevant Milestone progress not showing at the End of Round screens
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally not be able to craft Star Cards in the pre-round, after having ranked up a class in the previous round
- Fixed an issue that would not let the winning team know of the 100 Credits bonus during the End of Round screen
- Fixed a visual issue with the effects used in the frontend menu when booting the game
- Fixed an issue where the Inspect button would be present in the Abilities screen with background functionality
- Fixed an issue where players could accidentally rotate the model present in the Home menu, while they were in the Crates menu
- Fixed an issue where players' settings regarding Ping Sites were not saved
- Fixed an issue where players were able to dash more than two times in a row with all heroes and reinforcements
- Fixed an issue where some heroes could shoot during the falling or freezing animations
- Added a vehicle description for the First Order AT-ST
- Fixed an issue with the tutorial in Arcade mode, where the [RB] button was unresponsive when unlocking secondary abilities
- 7 years ago
Star Wars Battlefront II - Release Notes - Squad System Update
FEATURES- Added ability to get into squads and spawn on squad members on Galactic Assault and Strike
- Improved screen flow for quicker spawning in all modes where Squad Spawn is not present
- More dynamic change of characters shown on the Home and Career screens, due to implementation of backend ability to change those in a live environment
- Implemented various stability fixes for the End of Round (EOR) Matchmaking
- Improved the way the game client looks for an online game, by adding an automated Default option for the best Ping site, as well as simplifying the choice of sites in the menu.
Fixed an issue where the Resourceful Star Card wouldn't correctly lower the ability cooldown when used.HEAVY
- Removed the ability of Ion Turrets to lock and fire on troopers, as requested by the community
- Reduced the damage done by the Ion Torpedo for better balancing
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Disruption ability to trigger in sync with the animation
LEIA ORGANA- Fixed an issue where Leia's Alternate Fire ability could damage a player piloting the AT-ST
- Fixed an issue where the Tactical Jammer ability would have no effect on Lando's Millennium Falcon
- Fixed an issue where the "Repair" ability would not properly activate
GALACTIC ASSAULT- Implemented backend timers that allow tweaking of the objective duration on Galactic Assault in a live environment
- Added animations to further enhance the look and feel of the game mode's widget
- Fixed a spelling issue in one of the objective texts
- Fixed an issue that would leave players stuck between tree and mountain assets
- Fixed an issue where heroes could hide or get stuck behind metal barriers on Jakku
- Fixed an issue where the chicken near the East Turbolaser would not be fleeing from the player
- Added Ewok Hunt and Extraction-based challenges to the list of Daily Challenges
- Removed Hero Showdown-based challenges "Perfect Together" and "Vader and Kylo", based on player feedback that they are too hard to achieve in an online environment
- Fixed an issue where Iden's character and description text would be missing from the Campaign's spawn and customization screen
- Fixed an issue where players would not be able to change their Clone Trooper appearances during the pre-round screens on games taking place on Kashyyyk and Kamino
- Added additional UI effects when unlocking an Emote, Victory Pose or Appearance from the menu
- Increased the maximum numbers of players in a group to 20, and the maximum number of players who can play together to 8
- Fixed an issue where the button to get more Crystals would not show up in the Emotes and Victory Poses screens
- Adjusted the "Saviour Kill" stat, so that it tracks relevant kills from the whole team and not just the squad members
- This update will automatically disable CrossFire functionality for players with AMD Graphics Cards running on Windows 8 / 8.1, due to lack of support for multi-GPU with the specified operating system and GPU vendor.
- Squad members that are inside certain land vehicles (Armor, Artillery, Speeder, Tauntaun, Mountable Turrets) are not correctly shown as being inside vehicles on the Squad Spawn screen. The fix has been identified and will be implemented in the next update.
- Selecting to spawn on squad members who are inside land vehicles will temporarily disable access to the “Choose Character” screen. The issue gets resolved once players choose to spawn in the Default location. The fix has been identified and will be implemented in the next update.
- The spawn screen UI will, in rare cases, remain on during gameplay on Strike, or Galactic Assault. The issue gets resolved once players choose to respawn. The fix has been identified and will be implemented in the next update.
- The cooldown timer of the Shock Grenade ability would not be affected by the Resourceful Star Card. The fix has been identified and will be implemented in the next update.
- 7 years ago
Danke für die Info´s.
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