Difficult to answer.
GP is not the main correlate of a successful HAAT.
My Guild completed the first HAAT on December; at that time we had 45-50 M GP maybe, if I remeber, and it tooks 1 day and a half.
Now we clear HAAT in 90-120 minutes. Of course our GP is now more (70 M), but the reason is different: we have Thrawn, zFinn, and learned how to use better some teams.
In theory, 5 M GP is enough (yes, five M) if it's divided among two heavy hitters....
There are some key-toons/teams which kill the raid.
P1: zCLS (best) or zKylo for solo with multiple escapes.
P2: zFinn with Resistance (48% of P2 is my record); Rebels (various combinations), zVader team..
P3: "classic" Chirpatine or the great recent solutions: CLS, Thrawn, R2, BB-8, zRaid Han (or zAsajj)..
P4: zFinn with Resistance is the best (100% of P4 if mods are ok). Rebels... the CLS team used in P3 if still alive.. And many teams to make damage with "no topple strategy" (kill the upper turret and then attack the main body): Phoenix, First Order, Nightsisters, Jedi, Droids..... If you come to P4 and don't have Resistance, it's time to use all remaining teams....
Check the Tank Takedown subforum: you fill find all the useful information!