Forum Discussion

Mephisto_style's avatar
6 years ago

7* with this team, what gear #?

They are currently 10 10 9 8 8 left to right. I will have the stars in time. Don't know if I will have the gear to get him with his horrible team. I will be zeta Chirpa lead

  • C3 is my next farm after my BH are prepped for Chewie. I have Scout at 7 from Bronziums but he's useless so my plan was the most-recommended 5. I don't like making Legendary/HJ events any harder than they need to be. I'm a ways off from being ready but I like researching and knowing what to prepare in advance so I avoid pitfalls.

    Except Chewie. Because I still haven't farmed Dengar...

  • The last five minutes or so is him going over the mods, gear, abilities, zetas (only 1 needed).

    But this is the absolute optimal lineup and with average +100 speed on each.
  • I had G11 EE, Wicket, Paplo, Teebo, and G10 Zeta Chirpa, while this was able to get through 6 star confidently, with about 100 speed on each, the 7 star event was much less forgiving. I ended up pushing EE to G12 so I could put 6e mods from my best arena set on him, moves the mods that were on him to the others to speed Paplo and Wicket up a tad more and was able to get it after 3 tries. It might be a tad easier with Logrey instead of Teebo, but I didn't have him ready. Without Wicket it would be a little tougher as well.
  • I completed 7* with this team. Final status was: G11 zchirpa, g12 scout, g12 zpaploo, g11 teebo, g11 elder.

    I should also say it took about 5 consistent hours of tries until I got the strategy down, and 1 more hour for RNG to work in my favor.
  • "Mephisto_style;c-1787755" wrote:
    30 minutes of mod swapping should do it at all g10

    No, you probably won't do it.
    Why you always ask for advice and then assume that you can do with whatever is on your mind? You were saying that you would do chewie with Cad Bane lead ROFLMAO. Just hear people and gear more your ewoks while you can. Or hoard and if things go south you gear them.