9 years ago
A day late and a dollar short.. Gam Guard help...
Hola so ive got this piggy up to 6* and level7 on moves. However, there is an issue. Whilst running him in a r&d zader team in gw I noticed that he would not do 2 dots on his basic. As stated per that basic 2 dots per basic hit. Meaning 100% every time. Well after utilizing him I have found that even the crappiest toons he doesn't do the 2 dots basic. At best for his basic its like s e x panther, 60% of the time it works every time. Does anyone have experience with gg? Do I need his potency to be over 75% to get his 100% 2 dot basic to do 2 dots every time? Kinda confused here. I mean whats the point of maxing certain things to 100% only to be subdued by weaker and wacker toons? Ive got mine to 42% potency.. is that not good enough?