9 years ago
A few good mercenaries - Heroic AAT
Hello everyone,
Our guild, PadajuansPH, is going to attempt a Heroic AAT run in a few hours, and frankly, we're worried about our chances. We failed it twice before, over the last few months, and in that time some of our stronger members have left us in frustration for more powerful guilds. We've compensated with new recruits and all, but honestly am not feeling too confident about this third attempt. Thus, I appeal to those generous strong players in the community who wouldn't mind joining us just for this raid, so we can better gauge our preparedness without suffering the crushing disappointment of another failure.
We end Normal AAT in a matter of a few hours, though this is not a good gauge for our capabilities. We are a mix of a few whales, some dolphins, and the rest F2P.
If you're interested, please PM me your ally code; we can loop you in right away. We have a couple of slots open and can free up a few more temporarily.
Ally Code is 774-459-542: Drew Kareena.
Our guild, PadajuansPH, is going to attempt a Heroic AAT run in a few hours, and frankly, we're worried about our chances. We failed it twice before, over the last few months, and in that time some of our stronger members have left us in frustration for more powerful guilds. We've compensated with new recruits and all, but honestly am not feeling too confident about this third attempt. Thus, I appeal to those generous strong players in the community who wouldn't mind joining us just for this raid, so we can better gauge our preparedness without suffering the crushing disappointment of another failure.
We end Normal AAT in a matter of a few hours, though this is not a good gauge for our capabilities. We are a mix of a few whales, some dolphins, and the rest F2P.
If you're interested, please PM me your ally code; we can loop you in right away. We have a couple of slots open and can free up a few more temporarily.
Ally Code is 774-459-542: Drew Kareena.