Slkr, kru, trooper, sith trooper and hux is my team, so kru and trooper should both be eligble for revive, slkr and kru should be eligble for the 2 round damage immunity. Now as the opponent is concerned thats harder to answer since i had it against multiple teams not working. As i stated, i would understand a know instakill / prevent revive attack, or even a GL BUT, nowhere does it states on the datacron that unless a GL or non revive is used it doesn't work. other issue is the 2 turns damage immunity not working. I've seen kru (tank and ufu) get hit hard in first turn, get hit hard second turn and die without revive. Should not happen according to the datacron. Don't get me wrong, it might be working as intented but based on the description of the datacron you could argue something is messed up. All i know is since i used this datacron i got dropped 50 places in squad, switched it out and haven't dropped a single place since (i know this might be coincedence....)
So in summary, an explanation as to what could cause this would be welcome, and not to be a **bleep** but i don't really need a its working for me answer, people don't learn from working things