8 years ago
Arena Change Idea.. zaul/chaze/rex is getting boring
This is just my opinion and would like to see if anyone else thinks this is a good idea..
In ships you can call reinforcements. I like this concept, in arena i dont think having multiple would work but what if we had one from an ally ?
It would make arena alot more exciting and change up the current stale state in most older shards.
Obvcourse people will say "what if i dont have powerful allies it would be unfair"
And to that i say.. there is literally hundreds of people out there with max geared 7* toons willing to share them. Shop around.
So with the current "meta" or state of affairs i think its safe to say adding or reworking new characters at this point doesnt do much and i personally feel arena has become a bit boring.
In ships you can call reinforcements. I like this concept, in arena i dont think having multiple would work but what if we had one from an ally ?
It would make arena alot more exciting and change up the current stale state in most older shards.
Obvcourse people will say "what if i dont have powerful allies it would be unfair"
And to that i say.. there is literally hundreds of people out there with max geared 7* toons willing to share them. Shop around.
So with the current "meta" or state of affairs i think its safe to say adding or reworking new characters at this point doesnt do much and i personally feel arena has become a bit boring.