9 years ago
Bossk to bring Bounty Hunters to Life
Just like they are making Feb a Dark side month, there needs to be some Bounty Hunter love soon. Besides Boba who got his rework, most bounty hunters are not used for more than credit heists, in fact until the Boba rework the only bounty hunter I saw in arena was IG88 and thats due to droids. I have heard of others using them but they are few and far inbetween. There are a few things that are missing from bounty hunter squads including taunts and a debuffer. Plus there are many great bounty hunters out there that could be added. Some include Zuckass/4 Lom, Aurra Sing and fan favorites of Embo, Jango and Hondo plus others. One can be login character, maybe another in the Krennic/deathtrooper style with packs after for another. Also since bounty hunters are neither dark nor light and willing to take money from either, could open up a special table for just scoundrels/bounty hunters to play in, similar to light/dark side battles. Could add new scoundrels or bounty hunters there including Jabba as a scoundrel. Plus with most bounty hunters having there own ships could help expand them more as well, possibly even have Hondo as a fleet commander.
However as the main event we can have a yoda style event to help Bossk escape from jail. Have limited time to prepare and execute your plan to gather a squad of bounty hunters to help Bossk escape. This can be rare similar to how the Emperor Demise event was, and with that going into rotation with Yoda, there is room for a new rare event.
My Ideas for Bossk: Powerful Bounty Hunter Tank with a rally cry to make all bounty hunters more resourceful
Basic: Relby-v10 mortar gun - Deal Physical Damage with a chance to inflict speed down (or another debuff)
Special: Bounty Hunter Cry - Taunt for 2 turns all bounty hunters gain 20% TM
Unique: Trandoshan Power - At the start of the match Bossk starts with taunt, whenever Bossk taunts all bounty hunters gain tenacity and evasion up for 2 turns. If any bounty hunter is damaged other than Bossk while taunting, that bounty hunter gains 20% TM. Last part can be a zeta.
However as the main event we can have a yoda style event to help Bossk escape from jail. Have limited time to prepare and execute your plan to gather a squad of bounty hunters to help Bossk escape. This can be rare similar to how the Emperor Demise event was, and with that going into rotation with Yoda, there is room for a new rare event.
My Ideas for Bossk: Powerful Bounty Hunter Tank with a rally cry to make all bounty hunters more resourceful
Basic: Relby-v10 mortar gun - Deal Physical Damage with a chance to inflict speed down (or another debuff)
Special: Bounty Hunter Cry - Taunt for 2 turns all bounty hunters gain 20% TM
Unique: Trandoshan Power - At the start of the match Bossk starts with taunt, whenever Bossk taunts all bounty hunters gain tenacity and evasion up for 2 turns. If any bounty hunter is damaged other than Bossk while taunting, that bounty hunter gains 20% TM. Last part can be a zeta.