9 years ago
Bounty Hunter Suggestions for Improved Bounty Hunter Strategies
Bounty Hunters as a team currently have a very interesting synergy. They inflict a lot of debuffs, double attacks, blanket detonators, and benefit from those with negative status effects by calling in assists or dealing extra damage. They seem like a lot of fun but they're not without some glaring weaknesses. For starters, they don't have anyone who taunts, heals, or buffs in any way. And sure, healing is a bit of a joke right now and taunts are not what they once were, but another problem they have is their squishiness. Boba's leader pretends to address this by granting heath based on potency but that's another one of their weaknesses! They rely on area attacks to debuff opponents and turn the tides but don't have the potency to really do it effectively; then with whatever does stick, they don't even have the health or the support to see out.
The thing is, it doesn't make sense for there to be a healer who is a bounty hunter and the same goes for a bounty hunter who taunts. It's just not part of the character archetype. They are selfish survivalists. That said, there are two tweaks that I think could add a whole new dimension to the group.
Cad Bane's Hunter's Reflex could be adjusted to only give the evasion bonus to Bounty Hunters as the name suggests. Additionally, all Scoundrel allies could gain 20% potency. (This provides players a more defensive option than Boba Fett's boosted speed and high damage lead.)
Greedo's Ambuscade is a redundant leader ability, canonically it makes little sense and, lore aside, there is nothing about it that relates to an ambush. So change it to a second unique were Greedo has a chance to assist when another Bounty Hunter scores a critical hit and if Greedo attacks a second time he gains Potency and Critical Chance Up. This makes Greedo more like his namesake, greedy for that bounty! Plus, it pushes Bounty Hunters to a level where they have a chance at doing absurd amounts of damage to make up for their lack of defensive qualities and it brings an element of chance that which suites Bounty Hunters and Scoundrels.
Let me know what you think! Is there a simpler solution? Am I asking for too much??
The thing is, it doesn't make sense for there to be a healer who is a bounty hunter and the same goes for a bounty hunter who taunts. It's just not part of the character archetype. They are selfish survivalists. That said, there are two tweaks that I think could add a whole new dimension to the group.
Let me know what you think! Is there a simpler solution? Am I asking for too much??