Apparently, my post will not come back...
Thus In short regarding some arguments:
1. pilotless less ships are no win for players. Only for CG. (Less production costs, people jump on it like it‘s a messiah changing the grind. Lvl 60 req =/= newer player
2. Crewless ships are meant to be generic okay ships. (Why does every other generic, okay ship have crew? We even have 3 different TIE pilots?!? It‘s nonsensical... either all non-hero ships shouldn‘t have crew, or all ships should have crew... there should be a free droid ai for ships that‘s upgradable as „crew“.
3. I‘m afraid of mirror matches... fearing we will see more generic non-Crew
4. the reasons given are contradicting. Why is it easier to unlock if the pilot you had in mind was very well owned by the playerbase (and a logical choice: looking at Cody). Plus, it is a ship with astromech, pilot and gunner... leaving out the astromech (as with most ships) it makes no sense at all.
5. Why wasn‘t the design space used of unique faction traits? Droids = all crewless, cheap are even generated. Unlimited supply makes up for lack of relic power... maybe...; clone ships = multiple piloted by the same character... they are clones... it would even make sense to use Clone Sgt again, who‘s piloting the ARC and could potentially pilot a V-wing would give a new incentive to push otherwise non-used characters .
6. Among A- and X-wings on the light side, the Y-wing is one of the most recognized space vessels, and it’s a generic "will lose to any other ship with crew as relics will get.
7. You changed Gar Saxon‘s model for the sole reason that you in-lore-friendly gave him the wrong ship at first. This is another case of lore-unfriendly design. Please change it too. Obviously, game mechanics are needed for balance like mere clones being able to defeat a Sith-Lord team. Yet, here it makes no sense .
Personally, this decision annoys me WAY more than the Malak fiasco... bugs can happen. (Although it seems a reputation for untested updates is getting expanded on. Did really no one internally look at it and being like... let‘s click the button and play it once for ourselves... oh Look... i found a Bug....that‘s 5 minutes once work is done to check what‘s being done)... but the Y-wing leads only to one direction:
Losing the integrity of a system you yourself propagated, as you kept telling players that droids might not even happen, as crew was supposedly an intrinsic part of ship-design. Now, you say it is okay?
I would love the read sound reasoning, why no farming a character in a farm and gearing grind game is now better?
It leads me to believe that you just do not care anymore... which means: lazy designs, unchecked designs until the cashflow ebbs...