8 years ago
currency exchange
I have Mk4 A/KT stun gun 1460 mats. you may want to think about replacing the 1/10 ~ 100 EA decides could balance the game to give players a what they want and earn some €, $
"Sparrow;904130" wrote:
IMO a exchange of gear at a 10-1 ratio sounds great on the surface but it would let people burn up unused gear for about a week, and then we would be right back where we are begging for a relief to the gear crunch.
Think about it 1500 mk 4 stun guns become 150 mk 5 stun guns, you put all three of them on one toon (maybe two if they are easy to gear) and you are right back where you were you just saved 2 weeks of farming.
It's kinda like the parable give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for life.
We need some better ways to get gear, I'm not saying it should all be super easy, hell I don't mind farming the gold gear or new raid gear, but older stuff like guns cuffs Holo salvage carbanti's and hyposyringes should all be much easier to get. Not to mention mk 3 droid callers and thermal detonators