Forum Discussion

9 years ago

Darth Sidious Rework

Hey Devs, I know with the addition of zeta's a lot more characters are becoming more viable but one of my all time favs has been Sidious and I really think he needs a rework even with his zeta, he just doesnt work, hes fast but his damage is terrible he heals well but his health pool is far too small for his healing to even matter, and compared to EP his synergy's are extremely poor. IMO Darth Sidious was more powerful in canon then EP was since EP was severely damaged/hindered by Mace Windu so I think Sidious really should be the more powerful of the two. Also my favorite scene of Clone Wars, thanks for the consideration.

9 Replies

  • But I have him close to max lvl 80, g9 7* (I stopped leveling him about 6 months ago) and even with his zeta he doesnt seem to be that promising with his kit his natural speed is good but loses in all categories to TFP which is just ridiculous IMO
  • "RiseOfBoxandthefuzz;858178" wrote:
    I have a maxed Sidious with a Zeta and he's great. He doesn't need anything. I think they did a great job on him. Have you tried a zeta Sid? There's a huge difference.

    He does very well under a Vader zeta

    Sidious isn't the reason your team is great, Zeta vader, 7* Shore, and GK is why
  • "RiseOfBoxandthefuzz;858185" wrote:
    "ARCTrooperFives;858182" wrote:
    "RiseOfBoxandthefuzz;858178" wrote:
    I have a maxed Sidious with a Zeta and he's great. He doesn't need anything. I think they did a great job on him. Have you tried a zeta Sid? There's a huge difference.

    He does very well under a Vader zeta

    Sidious isn't the reason your team is great, Zeta vader, 7* Shore, and GK is why

    Sid is a direct counter to Chirrut. He's faster and prevents him getting tenacity up. His potency is through the roof with his zeta so he very, very rarely misses dots. Also he heal blocks and gets crazy tm from his zeta.

    I have shardmates that can't beat this squad, they could when TFP was in instead of Sid.

    TFP is great, but I think he's become a tad overrated.

    Look how important GK and Shore are:

    This. If you are going to run Vader Zeta lead, then Zeta Sid is beastly for all the reasons Box stated.
  • I love it when people who don't use a character tell people who do use that character how bad that character is.
  • Look I'm not saying he is bad, but the vast majority of people won't have so many zetas to throw around that they can max out Darth Sidious. He could use a nice buff to be useful outside of a Zader team comp.
  • I mean thats definitely a fun video and cool to see a Sid with zeta at work but it doesnt seem like hes the one doing any heavy lifting really the biggest bonus he seems to bring is blocking Bariss' unique which I dont really think will be a problem any more as it doesnt last after she dies now @RiseOfBoxandthefuzz
  • "RiseOfBoxandthefuzz;858185" wrote:
    Sid is a direct counter to Chirrut. He's faster and prevents him getting tenacity up. His potency is through the roof with his zeta so he very, very rarely misses dots. Also he heal blocks and gets crazy tm from his zeta.

    ^^^ This!

    I got Sidious to G11 last night, and will Zidious him come early next week. His Zeta will nearly double his Health by itself, and then a simple Potency Triangle and some potency secondaries elsewhere will get him over 100%, so you more than double his health. Put a little Crit Chance in him and you're sticking DOTs all day long. The only thing I wish he had was another Special of Force Lightning (like Dooku's, not EP's, with single stun potential).

    Just for fun, I took him into Heroic Rancor tonight with Zader lead. It was epic! I soloed most of P1 (went in little late after damage was already posted) and all of P2 and 3 without any damage to taken on by my team. In fact, I made it through most of P4 before the Rancor got a couple hits on me. No video (next time), but here's some screenshots of each phase:
  • A maxed sudiuos with zeta is actually pretty good when you use him under the right leadership. I think he is fine where he is at.
    The reason why he shouldn't get a rework and why he is fine as is; is we already have empowered palpatine as one of the best characters in the game. If sidious was any better we would see that duo to much and we already see palpatine quite a bit..