9 years ago
Fix zams horrible AI
Zam has got to have one of the worst toon AI in the game on defense and on auto.
One of the biggest fixes zam needs is a change in AI to where she will prioritize targets that have thermal deonators on them... nothing more frustrating than watching zam shoot the one toon out of 5 that don't have a thermal on them.
That fix alone would help tremendously but if you want to fix her overall also fix which skills she uses first. She should always start with throwing thermals
One of the biggest fixes zam needs is a change in AI to where she will prioritize targets that have thermal deonators on them... nothing more frustrating than watching zam shoot the one toon out of 5 that don't have a thermal on them.
That fix alone would help tremendously but if you want to fix her overall also fix which skills she uses first. She should always start with throwing thermals