2 years ago
Foreseeable Guild Break Ups... New players being at a disadvantage
So while everyone is complaining about the Aeros... There is a big big chunk of people, not on the forums, because they mostly are new players and many just play the game for fun so not so active on the forums.
Most people on the Forum are probably experience players.
I am both, I have an account that I've been playing Casually since Launch only have SLKR unlocked and I have a brand new account that I've been playing for fun.
I like to help new players getting their stuff together - If you know me, I am known as Psytor and I run the Farming Road Map (got some problems connecting with my account on the Forum with the new logins whatever!!)
So, there is already many thread talking about the loss of Aeros... And other stuff...
While I was looking at the many different rewards to try to understand how things are working and what you can get... Without even making calculations... And especially that you cannot run many raids at the same time like before.......
The first thing I realized, is how the total rewards don't even make sense... The Heroic Sith Raid will award 10 Shards of Traya - OK cool... Raid Tokens: 4000 Mk II and 8475 Mk I
So that means that, if I was lucky to be in a big enough guild to run HSTR as a new player, I still get my Traya shards, which is pretty cool.......... But then I have to use My MK I Token to purchase Han Solo and Obi Wan?? Does that really make sense? Why would I use Tokens that help me with my gearing to get characters??
What if I was lucky and joined a guild that run the Krayt Dragon hunt... What would I get .... IF I CAN JOIN... and that the guild can finish the whole thing...
4,385 Mk III ... 3300 Mk II which is already 700 less then the HSTR? and 4260 Mk I It's HALF of what I'd get from HSTR??
I don't get that? I don't get Credits anymore? No more guild activity tokens from Raids???
You lose all the fun of playing at low level, with higher guild, if you were lucky to have joined one...
And the same point that other people got, you also lose all the surplus gear we were getting from the Different Raids that were just pilling up for you to get relics done... Now you will have to buy gear... to gear... plus buy gear to do your relics too?
An extensive calculations of all of this, I'm not sure AT ALL that it make sense and that it will actually be on par?
Especially getting less........ HALF the MKI Raid Tokens from the Krayt hunt...
Once again for long time players, it won't feel as bad... But new players are more and MORE getting the shaft.....
Most people on the Forum are probably experience players.
I am both, I have an account that I've been playing Casually since Launch only have SLKR unlocked and I have a brand new account that I've been playing for fun.
I like to help new players getting their stuff together - If you know me, I am known as Psytor and I run the Farming Road Map (got some problems connecting with my account on the Forum with the new logins whatever!!)
So, there is already many thread talking about the loss of Aeros... And other stuff...
While I was looking at the many different rewards to try to understand how things are working and what you can get... Without even making calculations... And especially that you cannot run many raids at the same time like before.......
The first thing I realized, is how the total rewards don't even make sense... The Heroic Sith Raid will award 10 Shards of Traya - OK cool... Raid Tokens: 4000 Mk II and 8475 Mk I
So that means that, if I was lucky to be in a big enough guild to run HSTR as a new player, I still get my Traya shards, which is pretty cool.......... But then I have to use My MK I Token to purchase Han Solo and Obi Wan?? Does that really make sense? Why would I use Tokens that help me with my gearing to get characters??
What if I was lucky and joined a guild that run the Krayt Dragon hunt... What would I get .... IF I CAN JOIN... and that the guild can finish the whole thing...
4,385 Mk III ... 3300 Mk II which is already 700 less then the HSTR? and 4260 Mk I It's HALF of what I'd get from HSTR??
I don't get that? I don't get Credits anymore? No more guild activity tokens from Raids???
You lose all the fun of playing at low level, with higher guild, if you were lucky to have joined one...
And the same point that other people got, you also lose all the surplus gear we were getting from the Different Raids that were just pilling up for you to get relics done... Now you will have to buy gear... to gear... plus buy gear to do your relics too?
An extensive calculations of all of this, I'm not sure AT ALL that it make sense and that it will actually be on par?
Especially getting less........ HALF the MKI Raid Tokens from the Krayt hunt...
Once again for long time players, it won't feel as bad... But new players are more and MORE getting the shaft.....