"Ftwk;c-2439511" wrote:
You could of easily gotten ten shards during conquest, this is your fault…
The last conquest i got even around 100 shards, what do you think?
"herd_nerfer;c-2439528" wrote:
"Starlord04;d-265757" wrote:
So seriously, why are there still no fury shards for crystals in the store? I for myself hate conquest, i just dont't like to play the same boring fights again and again to get stupid achievements. For me it just makes no fun and i am totally okay to get some chars a few weeks/months later then others. But now it is about the current ship meta and tomorrow starts the levi Event.. i already didnt get the levi last time because of the fury, eventhough i already had the other ships/chars. But now it is just sad if i dont get the levi because of 10 missing fury shards.. if i don't get it, i will quit this game.. why playing games that make no fun?
In the future - with just a little planning, you could probably get a fair amount of shards without ever repeating a fight. If you're not going for red or gold crate, you can just make your way through conquest picking up the easy feats as you go along. Even on hard mode, it's really not that hard. I typically enjoy the challenge and the single player feel that conquest provides. This time I enjoyed it a bit less because there was more repetition than normal for me - but that's been the exception and not the rule so far. At least for me.
I have guild mates that won't touch the game mode at all and I really don't understand. With 0 refreshes and minimal effort you can still get rewards.
Good luck with your shards though. Hope some pop up somewhere for you.
Thank you!
This time i got to 450 and it was really annoying. So without refreshes and repeating fights i normally do the 360 or 230 Box.. so with some crystals you can get the char after 6 instead of 3 conquests, but obviously not the fury..
So i appreciate your answer, but i actually know what i habe to do to get the chars early, but i just dont want to, cause it is no fun. Otherwise i want to still compete with my 9.3 M GP in Kyber 2 (sometimes 1).
I am totally fine to not get the chars as fast as my opponents in gac, but the fury is another thing. The second time i won't get the levi, just because of the conquest rules. You can get any other ships in the shipments, but not the fury.. wondering why people quitting? Stupid rules!