"Nikoms565;831734" wrote:
"Tiggus;831687" wrote:
Despite all the rage on the forums, tournaments are still hugely popular (sigh! Where are all the rage-quitters? Certainly not on my shard!), and would still be considered by many as a much better way to introduce new premium toons than Aurodium, especially by every one who doesn't have access to Aurodiums.
I think it's one of the most successful event format they've introduced so far, so they'll likely just tweak it a bit to address the most pressing concerns, and keep them.
People are confusing participation with enjoyment. Are a lot of players participating in tournaments? Yes. But the reason is NOT because they are fair, well designed or fun. It's because tournaments are the only way that new, OP heroes/ships are being released. There are no new farming nodes, no new chatacters in GW shipments, arena shipments or cantina shipments.
If you want to keep up with the new and OP toons, you HAVE to participate in tournaments. How else can you get shards for Chirrut, Jyn, Cassian, Shore, Vader's Tie Advanced, etc.? That's the frustration.
Tournaments are pretty fun if you aren't competing for an unlock and if you're not bothered by the fact that other players get way better rewards. The lower ranks have a pretty good reward/effort ratio and a large variety in target team compositions.
Depending on the leaderboard, wich sucks that it is a factor, competing for the top500/ top300/top100/top10 isn't what i'd call fun to do either. Sometimes it's somewhat "worth" it when you get the desired reward, sometimes it just a major dissapointment in every way.
To be honest if i had to chose between all the tournament toons/ships in aurodium packs or to keep tournaments, i'd chose tournaments all day. I can justify playing a game for 2 hours straight to get a toon, but i can't justify spending 200 bucks to get a toon. Ofcourse i still prefer yoda/palpi style events over everything, but let's not kid ourselfs in believing that really is an option for all new toons.