9 years ago
Guild vs. Guild idea
So if anyone has played clash of clans this is the idea
Based on lvl you will be put against even teams and like the battle system if you lose a character you get two stars. Each person gets two attacks. Team with most stars at end wins. You can choose different size wars. Rewards could be gear crystals etc. each guild will get exp. for winning. The exp will be used for guild perks. +1 gear when requesting and can doanate +1 etc.
Based on lvl you will be put against even teams and like the battle system if you lose a character you get two stars. Each person gets two attacks. Team with most stars at end wins. You can choose different size wars. Rewards could be gear crystals etc. each guild will get exp. for winning. The exp will be used for guild perks. +1 gear when requesting and can doanate +1 etc.