Forum Discussion

ctgunn03's avatar
8 years ago

HAAT P3 CLS Teams?

What are some alternative teams to build around CLS without Thrawn or Chaze? We are very close to beating the hAAT and need a help getting through P3 easier. How can I maximize my damage with CLS without these toons. I have a good roster but refused to farm Chaze out of spite and missed thrawn the first time.
  • 1) Teebo will stealth random allies (which prevents b2 from gaining tm from counter atks) and remove tm from central droid (and side droids when they come back)
    2) Luke will damage it and remove tm as well (side droids as well)
    3) Han will erase and stun critical droids add and damage the centrale one (also reducing tm on B2 with his basic atk)
    4) Scarif will get the cannon shot and revive himself (the more rebels present the higher health he gets when he revives 20% per rebel and his basic atk gives 15% tm to all allies)
    5) Nebit? Taunt and die? (No, never die. I had him taunt between cannon blasts to take any damage that may have been intended for Teebo as Teebo has the worst self healing capabilities of the bunch and then his call assist would trigger Han or Luke or Teebo to atk and reduce tm more)

    I take out the side droids and then focus everything at managing b2 tm trying to have my toons stealthed when they atk. I put up SRP taunt just before the tank blast, which sometimes kills him and sometimes doesn't. As soon as it's nebits turn I have him taunt or call to reduce tm, depends on b2 and where his tm is at.

    Hope that clarifies a bit.
  • so the obvious question then doesn't nebit die when he has no self healing?
  • Nebit has a heal over time effect and that's plenty to keep him going the whole encounter since never takes a cannon hit he can maintain a green health bar.
  • "J3FF;c-1294226" wrote:

    Hope that clarifies a bit.

    A lot!

    Thank you again :smile: