I did not say that "working as programmed" was a meaningless term.
No, you said something that I thought was essentially the same thing, and thus reworded it to be pithier but, I thought, synonymous. Here's your original wording:
Everything always works as it was programmed. Computers are picky about that.
If every program works as programmed than "works as programmed" is a meaningless term. I admit the precise words are my paraphrase not your quote, but I think we can agree that it's pointless to say that a program works as programmed. That's what they do.
Han was already nerfed, that is the whole point. The new system nerfed him.
Then we disagree on the meaning of the terms. Han is
bugged, not
nerfed, in the way I use those terms. CG has made it clear that they intend to restore the original function, so why stress?