How many zeta teams do u need ? 0
Your guild needs to work on phase specific squads until you can beat HAAT. You need to summon HAAT every 2-3 weeks. When you get stuck on a certain phase, then you will know what to work on.
Though there are many potential squads that might work, ones that are usually obtainable easily by all guild members are as follows:
Phase 1 Jedi (easiest phase and won't take long to get on easy street)
Phase 2: HK-47 lead, 88, 86, JE, CN (this phase has almost double health of any other phase)
Phase 3: EP / TFP and 3 tanks or Chirpa / EP and 3 tanks.
Phase 4: Wedge, Biggs, 45 / Lando, Leia, and whoever (e.g, AA / Phasma)
Mods: u need to equip your best mods on all you squads. This can increase damage by 1% or more on each phase.
Gear Levels: u need gear 10-11 on almost all your heroes on each squad. You migh be able to get away with a few gear 9. Anything gear 8 and under usually won't work well.