9 years ago
How to fix donations
Right now the donations page is a mess. It looks like people are sorted in random order and some people never even go there to look.
I propose that there be a new metric, say, number of donations made in the last month (different from the existing lifetime/daily donation metrics). Rank all guild members by this metric. If you wanna be advanced, maybe you can have a donation "score" where a purple piece counts for A points, a blue piece counts for B points, a green piece counts for C points, and a gray piece counts for D points. Whatever.
So when you go to the donations page and look at what your guildies are requesting, the guildies will be sorted by their monthly donation number/score. So the more you donate, the closer you'll be to the top of the list (so people won't need to scroll as much to get to your request). Just like tourneys, any exact ties are broken by whoever reached that number first.
Not only that, there will be announcements in the in-game guild chat. The top 20% of donors (in a full guild, the top 10 people) will get 4 automatic announcements: once each at 24h, 18h, 12h, and 6h. Each announcement will say what is being requested and a special hyperlink (sort of like the player profile hyperlinks on people's usernames) that when clicked will bring you directly to the donation screen. The 20-40% of donors will get 3 announcements: 24h, 16h, 8h. The 40-60% of donors will get 2: 24h, 12h. The 60-80% of donors will get 1: 24h. The bottom 20% will get no announcements.
In order to make room for these announcements and limit spam, other progression announcements will have to be minimized, if not erased entirely. For example, maybe only announce 7* character and ship promotions. Raise the gear announcement threshold from gear VII to gear X. Do not announce unlocks anymore, and so on.
This kind of system really encourages donations and provides *positive* incentivizes to donate to your fellow guildies.
Note 1: A raw number may not be the best way to rank guild members. Some kind of weighted score may be better. What would also be interesting is a give/take ratio. Regardless, the idea is to generate a natural karma equilibrium. Those who give a lot without receiving much in return will be ranked higher and thus find their requests met quicker. Those who take a lot without giving away much will find it harder and harder to keep taking.
Note 2: Individual players should be given the option in the settings menu to turn off their own announcements if they wish. However, players should not be allowed to turn off seeing others' announcements.
I propose that there be a new metric, say, number of donations made in the last month (different from the existing lifetime/daily donation metrics). Rank all guild members by this metric. If you wanna be advanced, maybe you can have a donation "score" where a purple piece counts for A points, a blue piece counts for B points, a green piece counts for C points, and a gray piece counts for D points. Whatever.
So when you go to the donations page and look at what your guildies are requesting, the guildies will be sorted by their monthly donation number/score. So the more you donate, the closer you'll be to the top of the list (so people won't need to scroll as much to get to your request). Just like tourneys, any exact ties are broken by whoever reached that number first.
Not only that, there will be announcements in the in-game guild chat. The top 20% of donors (in a full guild, the top 10 people) will get 4 automatic announcements: once each at 24h, 18h, 12h, and 6h. Each announcement will say what is being requested and a special hyperlink (sort of like the player profile hyperlinks on people's usernames) that when clicked will bring you directly to the donation screen. The 20-40% of donors will get 3 announcements: 24h, 16h, 8h. The 40-60% of donors will get 2: 24h, 12h. The 60-80% of donors will get 1: 24h. The bottom 20% will get no announcements.
In order to make room for these announcements and limit spam, other progression announcements will have to be minimized, if not erased entirely. For example, maybe only announce 7* character and ship promotions. Raise the gear announcement threshold from gear VII to gear X. Do not announce unlocks anymore, and so on.
This kind of system really encourages donations and provides *positive* incentivizes to donate to your fellow guildies.
Note 1: A raw number may not be the best way to rank guild members. Some kind of weighted score may be better. What would also be interesting is a give/take ratio. Regardless, the idea is to generate a natural karma equilibrium. Those who give a lot without receiving much in return will be ranked higher and thus find their requests met quicker. Those who take a lot without giving away much will find it harder and harder to keep taking.
Note 2: Individual players should be given the option in the settings menu to turn off their own announcements if they wish. However, players should not be allowed to turn off seeing others' announcements.