Forum Discussion

AAN_Zer0's avatar
8 years ago

Idea to improve the raid experience

So as a bunch of you already know, Dark Mauls' PotH allows a team well built to almost solo the entire aat raid (normal tier).
However, there is one problem : it takes a HUGE amount of time !

Moreover, some guilds (like the one I'm currently in) separate the different phases of the raid to allow more players to score (for instance : Day one at set time :P1-P2-Refresh Day two at same set time : P3-P4.

This way, and with the current pause system, it's very difficult to solo the raid (since there is a huge gap if time between P2 and P3 in previous example), which is why I'd like to ask you guys your toughts about a possible new pause system allowing to suspend and resume an attack, by simply pressing a button (of course, if you suspend your attack this way, you would need to finiish it before starting another one).

I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but it would really help guilds like mine and save us from (possibly failing to) retreat in the middle of an attack.

Tell me if you like and/or if you see any issue/possible exploit with this idea !
Cheers :)

EDIT : This idea is to allow a player to pause the raid while still being able to play the game, and not suffering from a possible restart of the game during a pause, effectively scraping all progress in the attack !
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