Forum Discussion

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
5 days ago

I'm Back

Hey Everyone! 

Hope you're all doing well. 

I am back from my 3-week honeymoon to Japan. 

  • How are you doing?
  • What are you working on?
  • Positives and negatives from the past 3-weeks
  • What have you accomplished 

Talk to me! 

Food pic for tax


  • i believe i changed the name of my account four times since you left



    • CG_Meathead's avatar
      Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team

      Listen, a silver shiny spoon will do that to you. 

      <.< >.> 

  • Congratulations on your wedding.

    I moved to Japan back in 2008. Absolutely love it here. How did you enjoy your three weeks in Japan?

    For the game, I have gone 1-5 in GAC. Absolutely dreadful. Also failed my Zeppho attempt and my guild finished at 29/30 for successful attempts. Yes, I can easily say that the game is the complete opposite to Japan. One is awesome the other one sucks!

    • CG_Meathead's avatar
      Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team

      Thank you! It was a delayed honeymoon, but a much needed one :D 

      That's awesome! The 3-weeks were fantastic, we are already planning our next trip back

      Never a fun feeling getting stomped in GAC, been there...plenty of times. 

      What happened with your Zeppho attempt???

  • lvgldz4jw2ty's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I UNLOCKED JKL AND IM GETTING CHEWPIO TO G13 THIS WEEK AHAHHAHAHAHAH. Finally, I'll have my CLS team fully flushed out.

    im doing well. my roster is growing. quite well.

    • CG_Meathead's avatar
      Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team

      CLS is an absolute beast, one you'll be using for a LONG time. Definitely a great team to invest in. 

      Glad everything else is going well too!