9 years ago
I'm glad my tourney is legit.
I'm seeing lots of cheater posts, and so decided to look into my tourney.
I don't see anything shady, just people with way more disposable income and saved ally points than me.
I'm level 75, so still a noob relative to most the folks complaining. After this tourney, I'll be sitting at 75/80 shards for Vader's TIE...dissappointing, but not unexpected with only 270,000 ally points to spend.
I see most of the cheater arguments being about lack of roater depth. Do you really need a deep roster? My tourney maxxed out at 1000 ally point refreshes for characters, so I spent the vast majority of my points switching between rebel and empore teams. I'm at rank 11 right now, with 6.5 hours to go. If I had enough ally points, I could hold top 10 with just my empire team, and none of them are 7* yet.
I get that there are cheats out there (invariably the first thing that seems to auto populate in google), and somthing needs to be done. I just want to say thanks to all the folks in my shard for winning the right way. Losing isn't near as frustrating when it is a legitimate loss.
I don't see anything shady, just people with way more disposable income and saved ally points than me.
I'm level 75, so still a noob relative to most the folks complaining. After this tourney, I'll be sitting at 75/80 shards for Vader's TIE...dissappointing, but not unexpected with only 270,000 ally points to spend.
I see most of the cheater arguments being about lack of roater depth. Do you really need a deep roster? My tourney maxxed out at 1000 ally point refreshes for characters, so I spent the vast majority of my points switching between rebel and empore teams. I'm at rank 11 right now, with 6.5 hours to go. If I had enough ally points, I could hold top 10 with just my empire team, and none of them are 7* yet.
I get that there are cheats out there (invariably the first thing that seems to auto populate in google), and somthing needs to be done. I just want to say thanks to all the folks in my shard for winning the right way. Losing isn't near as frustrating when it is a legitimate loss.