9 years ago
IMPROVEMENT IDEA: Being able to see who is currently online in your Guild
Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to the forums (I've been around here and there) so I'm not sure if bringing up improvement ideas goes over well here.. Anyways, I'll get to what I have in mind.
So my guild and I just recently started doing timed raids (ex. Heroic Rancor) and I have found it to be troublesome to figure out who all is online in my guild to participate in the order of attack. In my guild, as in many others I am sure, we have a pre-set attack plan and order. So basically, one person starts, followed by another, and another, etc.. But it is hard to dictate whether or not someone should attack if you don't know if they are currently online in-game. I think a system where it tells you exactly who is online would be beneficial not only in planning and carrying out timed raids, but in other situations also. For instance, some guilds, like mine, are very friendly and helpful towards each other. Currently, if someone has a question they ask it in guild chat and if nobody is actively online it won't get answered until someone who has the knowledge to answer it opens the guild chat and sees it. By knowing exactly which members of the guild are online at the same time as you, you would be able to ask that question directly to someone who is already online. Or, if nobody is currently in-game you might wait and ask it later when some people are online.
I believe this system could be a very simple one. It wouldn't need to be anything fancy like an announcement in guild chat when someone logs in. It could be as minute as a little green dot next to a guild member's name on the roster or a little number above the guild chat icon to indicate how many members are currently online (kind of like the notification badge that appears above apps on iPhones). While this would be a small improvement, maybe even one seen as "unnecessary" by some, I believe many players would find this to be of great use! It would improve guild communication, interactions, and overall enjoyability of the game! Please feel free to share your thoughts on this!
So my guild and I just recently started doing timed raids (ex. Heroic Rancor) and I have found it to be troublesome to figure out who all is online in my guild to participate in the order of attack. In my guild, as in many others I am sure, we have a pre-set attack plan and order. So basically, one person starts, followed by another, and another, etc.. But it is hard to dictate whether or not someone should attack if you don't know if they are currently online in-game. I think a system where it tells you exactly who is online would be beneficial not only in planning and carrying out timed raids, but in other situations also. For instance, some guilds, like mine, are very friendly and helpful towards each other. Currently, if someone has a question they ask it in guild chat and if nobody is actively online it won't get answered until someone who has the knowledge to answer it opens the guild chat and sees it. By knowing exactly which members of the guild are online at the same time as you, you would be able to ask that question directly to someone who is already online. Or, if nobody is currently in-game you might wait and ask it later when some people are online.
I believe this system could be a very simple one. It wouldn't need to be anything fancy like an announcement in guild chat when someone logs in. It could be as minute as a little green dot next to a guild member's name on the roster or a little number above the guild chat icon to indicate how many members are currently online (kind of like the notification badge that appears above apps on iPhones). While this would be a small improvement, maybe even one seen as "unnecessary" by some, I believe many players would find this to be of great use! It would improve guild communication, interactions, and overall enjoyability of the game! Please feel free to share your thoughts on this!