8 years ago
Is it time to stop farming shards and start farming gear?
I'm level 80 right now and I pretty much only farm character shards for dark and light side battles (currently farming anakin in both cantina and hard nodes, Ashoka in hard nodes and cantina shipments, Poe in hard nodes, and Ima Gun Di in hard nodes, if I ever have extra energy I farm gear.) Most of my best toons are 6* or 7*, gear 8, with quite a few 4*-5* toons with gear 6 or 7. I'm using primarily Jedi right now but I'm working on Sith and boba. My question is, should I stop farming so many different characters and focus on just one or two (keep farming anakin and maybe Ashoka), while using the rest of my energy for gear, or should I keep trying to get a well rounded set of toons? I want reach that next level of them game and get high gear characters but I'm not sure where to focus.