9 years agoNew Spectator
Is it worth gearing my 4* Shore?
Im not sure whether to or not because my current arena team is (all 7*):
Wedge (Lead) G9
Biggs G8 (One furnace off 9)
Lando G10 (One furnace off 11)
Sun Fac G8
Not sure whether he would fit there as I quite like my Sun Fac. Is it worth gearing for future maybe as the meta is starting to shift a tidge.
Any ideas welcome
Wedge (Lead) G9
Biggs G8 (One furnace off 9)
Lando G10 (One furnace off 11)
Sun Fac G8
Not sure whether he would fit there as I quite like my Sun Fac. Is it worth gearing for future maybe as the meta is starting to shift a tidge.
Any ideas welcome