I wrote a really long boring reply about how my mods are good and I'm in a tough shard and my JML is dominating everything and everyone, then I deleted it. I think JML is really strong but I'm using JKR lead which feels .. wrong. If the ultimate could just get a once-over, bit of polishing on the AI.. or a small tweak about how it charges.. or making it even better so its worth charging it.. i don't think anyone could complain about him anymore and his chapter can be closed.
I actually think a few other things in his kit are broken (but in a good way) so I actually expect to see JML get a bit of a nerf. Efflux is not WAI against other JKR teams.. when it's on auto, Jedi randomly assist when they shouldn't.. there are extra turns that shouldn't be happening etc.. so try not to complain too much about him haha.