9 years ago
Lets make toons that start with abilities on cooldown as well!
This is one of the only ship mechanics I enjoy personally. I find that it adds another layer of strategy as there's a ticking time bomb you're battling against (especially true in the case of fights versus Mace). And I think it'll help shake up a meta still overly reliant on first turn moves.
I highly doubt they'll ever rebalance existing characters to have abilities that start on cooldown, but they can certainly introduce it for future toons. It'll also naturally be helpful to tanky teams that can be expected to keep everyone alive for several turns (Empire, Jedi, Jyn Rebels). Just for example, lets introduce Mother Talzin and give her the Witch's Revenge ability, which will heal everyone up to full health and protection and then deal damage to the enemy team based on how much was healed.
An alternative would be especially powerful attacks that require a charge up sequence of a turn or two, that could be interrupted through certain debuffs such as stun or daze. This would be the perfect ability for a droideka - it'll gain defense up and evasion up for a turn as it rolls out and then unleash a devastating barrage.
Post your best ideas in the thread, and lets try to make 2017 SWGOH a bit more dynamic!
I highly doubt they'll ever rebalance existing characters to have abilities that start on cooldown, but they can certainly introduce it for future toons. It'll also naturally be helpful to tanky teams that can be expected to keep everyone alive for several turns (Empire, Jedi, Jyn Rebels). Just for example, lets introduce Mother Talzin and give her the Witch's Revenge ability, which will heal everyone up to full health and protection and then deal damage to the enemy team based on how much was healed.
An alternative would be especially powerful attacks that require a charge up sequence of a turn or two, that could be interrupted through certain debuffs such as stun or daze. This would be the perfect ability for a droideka - it'll gain defense up and evasion up for a turn as it rolls out and then unleash a devastating barrage.
Post your best ideas in the thread, and lets try to make 2017 SWGOH a bit more dynamic!