Forum Discussion

darthhelp's avatar
8 years ago

Looking for help on heroic rancor

Hey everyone we decide to try our first heroic rancor for Christmas and we were able to make it to 40% left in P4 (we lost one of our top 3 players before the holidays). If there is anyone out there that could possibly help us we have about 10 hours left in our raid! Thank you and happy holidays
  • I could possibly merc on future raids for you. I can probably solo the 1st half of the raid for you.
  • That would greatly improve our chances. If you don't mind sending me and ally invite or posting your code here I would definitely look forward to future help!
  • I'm at work now and gotta check with my guild leaders if I can take field trips but I'll chat you tonight.
  • I know this necro threading but if your guild would like a hand with t7 rencore raid pm and we can work on something of you like.

    Happy to take the lead on the raid or wait till told to attack.