9 years ago
Make Mace Windu Great Again
I think Mace Windu could be stronger if we changed his lider ability Vaapad could make all the difference!
Here is what I think it should be:
Jedi allies have 45% offense against Sith, in adiction he gains 25 critical chance when his 1 teamate dies, 25 speed when his 2 teamate dies, 20% offense when his 3 teamate dies, 30 tenacity when his 4 teamate dies and have 40 armor and 37% critical damage if he is the sole survivor.
Maybe now he will buffed and make it to the Jedi top 5!
Here is what I think it should be:
Jedi allies have 45% offense against Sith, in adiction he gains 25 critical chance when his 1 teamate dies, 25 speed when his 2 teamate dies, 20% offense when his 3 teamate dies, 30 tenacity when his 4 teamate dies and have 40 armor and 37% critical damage if he is the sole survivor.
Maybe now he will buffed and make it to the Jedi top 5!